Chapter 4 DOORS

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Go, go, go must learn how to survive......"
It was a commanding voice from a commanding officer in this field. Sixty men and women were out here in a field undergoing scientific training and physical training. They have been here like forever, and since they came in only five new recruits joined them replacing the five who died subsequently. This was a morning jog, but it seemed as race to those watching. The sweats were coming down from their bodies making them grow tired.
This was the hardest field, all of them joined the field willingly when they turned sixteen and fourteen for men and women respectively.
The whole day would be spent doing the same things like jogging like racing in the morning and shooting classes in the afternoon and mercenary lessons. It was like preparing them for something great and made them more anxious about what will happen next.

He was late to join the camp for three weeks, but he was accepted in because there was a replacement.
"Your name recruit....."
He was asked when he reached this place.
"I actually don't remember......"
Then Lieutenant smiled and answered back,
"Good, welcome to your new home, this is a bleach zone....... you'll be trained and given new life....."
It wasn't a joke that he remembered not his name, but that was that a policy of this camp, anyone joining the camp would be wiped out of memory.
He didn't understand why was he in this place. And before he could do anything he was given a list of name to choose.
"We have Peter, Jacob, Simon and Usher.... Choose one....."
"Why am I suppose to do this?"
Before he could answer the question, the voice from behind him answered,
"You don't have a name son......"
He turned back and looked who was talking. There was a man who was wearing army uniforms and many badges on his shoulder and chest pocket. Other army people showed their respect to this man who seemed to be in his mid fifties.
Reaching were he was standing he extended his arm and said,
"Am General McTronny."
He also extended out his arm in fear and wasn't sure what to answer back in return. "I'll take Jacob......"
" Sir why am I not remembering my name...."
"Don't worry about that...... this is your new home...."
General McTronny started walking with him around and showed him that he wasn't all alone because he can belong to one of the greatest history of this continent and nothing would ever be forgotten about him and other recruits. It was hard for him to understand this General actually, but he had nowhere to rest his doubts.
That night he wasn't able to sleep and he had to go out of his sleeping tent of which he was sharing with another guy who actually didn't talk to him from the time he came in to the time he was snoring.
He walked out and took like a hundred feet until he was caught up by someone who grabbed him in the small bush telling him in a murmuring voice
"Why are you wondering openly..... You know it's not allowed....."
Looking who is this, she was just a girl or maybe a lady.
"What?? Who are you?"
He was also talking in murmur because this girl was persisting with a lower voice idea.
"You are new here.... huh??"
He didn't answer, in the same tone, the girl said,
"You also remember nothing at all... No name, no tag, no family..... everyone is actually like everyone here...."
He began to wonder what was really going on, so he asked;
"What are they really cooking in here?"
Now a voice was a little bit high, the girl was really annoyed and she said,
"Really, you can't lower your voice??"
"You will blow my cover....."
After saying that she just got out of the bush. He also immediately came out of the bush but she couldn't see were she had gone.
"Recruit..... what are you doing here...."
He heard a voice and saw the Lieutenant who was actually in front of him.
He cursed.

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