Chapter 18

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"I'm pregnant"

"I know" I shot up and looked at her

"You know, how?"

"I know all my kids and I know you the best!" She smiled

"I've dreamed about fish and babies and I said you had to be the one. I am nowhere near happy with you right now but, we are going to get through this. You're not going to be alone." She kissed my forehead and we stayed like this for a good little while.

These are the times like this that I love and cherish and wish we had more of. Family never turns their backs on family and the love never ends.

"I love you ♥"

"I love you too mommy" I felt like a five year old girl who needed her mother to kiss her scrape and make it all better but this time I had to make it all better.


Jaeda P.O.V.

Having morning sickness and going through finals was rough. Every morning when I wake up for school and maybe even when I get to school. I hate it. 

On a better note I did pretty good on my finals and I have graduated high school. This is something I have been looking forward too since freshman year. 

I am not going to let this child hold me back, we are going to excel together. 

I decided I'll be taking online course through FAMU. I plan on majoring in Nursing and getting my masters to be a neonatal nurse practitioner ( this is actually what I'll be going to school for next fall). 

It's not going to be easy but I am determined to make a life for my baby and I. I refuse to live off of what my father and Harlem left me. I will be independent and teach my son to be independent. I was afforded whatever the hell I want and never had to work for anything. 

I guess you could say I had a privileged life. 

"Whats up lil sis" Rico came up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

'Hey Rico, I missed you!!!" I turned around and hugged him so tight. Rico and his little family moved to LA to further his music career. 

"Come on lets take a walk"

"Ok let me put some shoes on" I went to my room and slid on a pair of flip flops.

""Lets go"

"So update me on everything"

"I know you know whats going on. Yes I'm pregnant I'm staying at home to take online classes through FAMU. What else would you like to know?"

"Don't get no attitude now Jae, I'm tyring to look out for you. Whose the dad?"

"Dorian" I rolled my eyes at the thought of him

"Dorian, dorian?"

"Yes Dorian, Dorian"

"Damn, look if you need anything or want to get away for a little bit call me. You know I will always answer"

"I know, I love you Rico"

"I love you too lil sis. Before I leave I'm taking you shopping but lets get back to the house for your graduation party"

When we made it back to the house I was just a tad bit tired. I'm not that far along but I get tired easily. 

I went upstairs and took a shower and threw on some lounging clothes and got in the bed and took a quick nap.

When I got up it was around 5:30. I went to my closet and picked out an Asos maternity dress. It was a short sleeved white dress with a split at the bottom. I put on a pair of white pumps with a red statement piece necklace and earrings. I wand curled my natural hair that was blew out and fluffed it. My face was of course beat to perfection and I sprayed my Versace bright crystal absolou all over ( I got this for Christmas, it smells heavenly). 

I stood in the mirror and took a few pictures for the gram to announce my pregnancy. Honestly nobody knew I was pregnant. Large shirts and tights during finals and graduation was far behind it so my gown didn't show my stomach.


"Come in" I turned around and it was my mom

"Hi mommy"

"Hey baby, you look beautiful" she started tearing up

"Awww don't cry and thank you mommy"

"Gosh, youre growing up. It seems like yesterday when I was pushing you out of me"

"Alright ma"

"Look I'm just saying. come on lets go downstairs guest are starting to arrive"

"Yes'm" We hugged each other and she held my hand as we walked down the stairs.


"Go Jae"

"I Love you"

Thats all I heard when I walked down the stairs. 

I felt so much love in the room. I really didn't have a best friend because all I needed was family. 

We moved around a lot and this last time my focus was school. Yeah I had a few people here from school but we weren't on that particular level.

I walked around and ate and talked and all that good stuff.

I walked outside to get some fresh air. It was such a beautiful and I was enjoying it.

"Congrats Jae" I knew that voice all too well.

"Um thanks" I silently cursed myself for having this dress on.

"That's all you got to say"

"What do you want me to say Dorian?"

"I want to know why the hell you haven't told me about you having my baby?"

"Because it was none of your damn business that's why"

"what the hell you mean it's none of my damn business"

"You don't care about me Dorian, hell you probably never cared!"

"Baby don't say that"

"I'm  not your baby D"

"I'm sorry"

"You are sorry, sorry ass excuse for a man"

"Who you talking to Jaeda?"

"I'm talking to you Dorian, problem?"

"watch who you talking to. I ain't no fuck nigga in these streets jaeda"

"I honestly don't give a damn who the hell you are?"

"Keep it up" He started walking towards me.

"Hit me Dorian I wish the fuck you would" He was mad and I could tell. I push the right buttons every time ( I do the same thing ).

"Yeah hit her nigga. I wish you would lay a hand on my sister"

"Mane Rico this ain't got shit to do with you"

"This my sister right?" He looked at him

"RIGHT?" he yelled

"right" he sighed 

"Now that's what I thought, my business. You can go nigga she don't need you"

"Look I really don't give a damn about all that shit you talking, that's my baby a-"

"SHIT" I held my stomach as it started to cramp up.

"What's wrong Jae" Rico asked

"I don't know, I need to go to the hospital" 

"I gotchu" He unlocked his car and carried me over to it. He called my mom and siblings from inside and we all headed out. I hope my baby is ok. 


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