Wet Dreamz

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"Oh for real it's like that?" She winked then walked away leaving me hard. Bro on G' this girl gone be the death of me. Bey and I just came from the bathroom and I finger fucked the shit out of her. Like real talk, I had her screaming my shit, but I had to cover her mouth so people wouldn't hear us. She was going to give me head knowing she give the best head in this damn school, but the bell rung and she teased me a bit and took off. I ain't even tripping because we got the same math class which is now, so I'll see her sexy ass anyways.

 I ain't even tripping because we got the same math class which is now, so I'll see her sexy ass anyways

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I pulled out a fake pass from my backpack and prepared to give it to my teacher. Opening the door all eyes were on me and you know I was feeling myself all day so you know I was stuntin'. "Mr.Carter, do you have a pass or excuse?" I handed it to him and sat in the very back of the classroom where my boys was at. I dapped them up and watched Bey on the other side with her girls and waited for her to look at me. She laughed and I instantly smiled at the heavenly sound. She turned to look at me and I bit my lip making her bow her head and blush.

"Yo say kid wassup with you and shawty?" My boy AJ asked with a toothpick in his mouth. He was extra cool with Bey nigga so I def' wasn't gonna say anything to him. "Nothing man. She just cool people that's it." He nodded and leaned back in his chair. I turned to look at her and she was looking at me as her girls was talking to her. I stared at her mouth where a pencil was. The way she twisted and turned the pencil then gently and slowly wrapped her luscious pink lips around it made my man get harder and stand up. 

I tried to push it down and it was working but as soon as she stood up her ass jumped with her and it made my dick stand straight back up. Bey took her jacked it off and wrapped it around her hips. Her hips. Lord, I wanna take her in this classroom on the teachers desk. I stared at her smooth legs and imagined them wrapped around my waist as I stroked inside of her.

 I stared at her smooth legs and imagined them wrapped around my waist as I stroked inside of her

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"Mr.Carter come solve this problem please." I shot my head to Mr.Jones and shook my head. "Why do I have to solve it?" He chuckled and sat on his desk. "Because everyone was paying attention, but you. Now you could come solve the problem or I could call your mother. The choice is yours." I sighed and tried to think off all the nasty stuff I could. Old lady. Beyonce tongue on my dick. I groaned and shook my head. Dying cat. Me beating Bey pussy up. Nothing was working for me and I was getting upset by the minute. I slowly stood up and covered my mans and walked to the board.

I heard Bey and her girls laughing at me. I turned to look at her and she blew a kiss at me leaning over and slowly pulling the top of her shirt down showing cleavage. My knees got weak and I tripped, but was saved by the board. Everyone laughed and I chuckled in embarrassment and went on to solve the problem. "Ight finished." I said still facing the board. "Turn around and tell the class the answer step by step."

I groaned and made a crying face. Straightening up my face I turned around covering my man which was kind of hard. As I was saying the steps I kept thinking of Bey moans and I almost slipped and said her name. "Can I go sit now?" Mr.Jones smirked and nodded. As I got to my desk I seen a sheet of paper.

"Seemed like my baby boy was thinking bout mama."

It read making me throb. I looked up at Bey and seen her with a smirk on her face. I smirked back then turned the paper over and wrote;

"Yeah, but just know after class I'm bending you over and fucking your little pussy up."

I smirked at what I said and tapped the guy a seat diagonal from me. "Say my mans give this to shorty with the braids." He nodded and got the note from me giving it to Bey. I know she likes it when I cuss, it be making her wet and shit I could see it in her posture. I watched her unfold the note and seen her arch her back and twist in her seat. "Ms.Knowles are you okay?" She nodded instantly and put the note in her back pocket. "Yes may I use the restroom?" He nodded and I watched her walk out the room and smirked.

"Yo say dog, you can't tell me you not hitting that." Ty said with all the boys gathered around. "Man if I say something to you don't say shit or I'm busting a cap in y'all asses." They nodded eager to hear. We got closer and I cleared my throat.

"I mean shawty do got the best pussy and head in this school." They got all loud and rowdy making everyone look back at us. I hit them all and they calmed down. "You got pictures?" I shook my head knowing it was going to get out of hand if I show them the picture Bey gave me to put in my wallet whenever I have the need to bust.

They kept asking questions after questions, but I never answered em. I got bored and asked if I could go to the nurse. Mr.Jones nodded and I walked down to the girls restroom and scared Bey as she was washing her hands.

"You scared me. What are you doing in here?" I kissed her neck instead of answering and pushed her into the handicap stall. "Sit on the seat." Bey looked at the seat then back at me with a smile on her face. I smirked and lifted her into my arms unbuckling my pants at the same time. As soon as my belt was unbuckled, I worked on hers and her neck. "Tell daddy you want him to fuck your pussy." I said grinding my dick onto her. "I want daddy to fuck me so bad baby." Bey moaned gripping my neck. I got her shorts off and instantly thrusted my dick in her making her lose her breathe and gasp.

I thrusted hard again and she moaned loud. "You want everyone to know that I'm fucking you?" I said slowly stroking her. She bit her lip and shook her head. "Then shut the fuck up." I started thrusting hard again and Bey put her face in the crook of my neck to try and silence her moans. I gripped and slapped her ass then sat on the toilet seat still thrusting in her. 

"Who fucks you the best?" I asked watching her moan and look up. "Ughhhh you Shawn." She whined grinding her hips into me. "Mmm damn girl you fucking daddy just how I like it." I stopped thrusting and watched her bounce on my dick. Boy I tell you I'm a lucky cat right now.

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