Chapter 7

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He hugged me after running out of the car, not wanting to run over me like I ask him to. All the courage and bravery that was burning inside of me waiting to be hit by the car burst without killing me.

"You are my reward, I don't want to waste you just like that.." he whispered to my ear. It kept repeating itself like an echo. The kinds of echo that sends chills down your spine. My body shook and shiver as i felt his grasp tightens around me. I screamed as I pushed him away.

I breath heavily as I opened my eyes seeing a confused look on Dustin's face. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

Everybody in the cafeteria was eyeing on us and some were whispering to each other. I couldn't stand the attentions I've gotten.

I shook my head and stood up. The apologizing words for scaring Dustin were playing on my lips that it won't come out.

I just ran away in embarrassment. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have hugged him. I ran my fingers through my hair with my other hand wiping my tears away.

"Hey girl what's wrong?" A guy in varsity asked in a countryside accent that made him sound like a cowboy. And the other jocks asked the same thing over and over again. I fell onto the ground due to dizziness, sobbed in the middle of the hall.

The bell that shows that recess was over didn't help at all. It just made it worst with all the kids running to their classes. Everything was happening so fast around me that I couldn't keep up.

Then, a guy put his hands around my neck from the back and resting his chin on my shoulders. "I'm sorry..."

I turn my head slightly and knew who it was. My so called savior. People like him shouldn't be called savior just because he comes and comforts me at my weakest point. Other than those times of comfort, he hurt people like a monster. Containing his evil doings until I feel better. And ruin it again, like a cycle.

"We need to talk..." Somehow today he looks dejected and gloomy. The furiousity in his flame of anger from several days ago dissapeared. Maybe he really needs help. He stood up and keep hold on my hand, leading our way to a closet.

I know its not one of his trick to do something bad at me because his face was straight and he stared at the floor along the way. If its one of his trick, he would be pouting. Even though he is 30 years old, he looks undeniably hot. I just couldn't stop staring at him even when I'm hating him.

He closed the door behind us and slump down against the door weakly. "Whats wrong?" I wiped the remaining tears away from my face. He massaged his chin and slide it behind his nape. "I don't want to lose you.." He muttered softly.

"I already know that" I furrowed my brow as sit on the edge of the crooked table in the corner. "You were the only one that had stayed by my side all this time" I don't understand where this is going. Is he drunk or something.

"Then why have you been so close to that guy?" His face tightened as he look at me. He took a deep breath and continued "there is a lot of people that have cheated on me and I don't want you to do the same".

I laughed mockingly "Well it is more likely relevant for me to cheat on you because you don't love me anyway". He glared at me. His expressions tells me that I don't understand him. "Why would you think that way?"

I crossed my arm and squinted my eyes, listing the main reason. "You paid my dad to spend time with me, its the same as prostitution" I felt egoistic for once. "Well I'm here..." He nailed his eyes into mine.

"...instead of earning money to pay your dad" he stopped, biting onto his lips "I want to be with you 24/7 but I can't be with you all the time b-because" he stuttered and shook his head. Not wanting to say the other lines that are well expected. ". I need to pay your dad to be with you.." He stare at the brooms in guilt.

Author's Note:
well the last lines were mostly bullshit hahahha ಠ_ಠ . I was short in words in the beginning and added some- I mean a lot and the lines became random. So, I'm so sorry hahah.

Thank you for reading!

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