Chapter five

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Me: Hey guys, here is chapter five of shadow of the night. I also have Lya200 here.

Lya200: Hello!

Me: we would like to say thanks for all the views u guys gave us. :D

Lya200: And we're really excited to give you this next chapter :)

Me: Here is the next chapter, so please R&R.

Lya200: Warning: Things happen, so pay attention. We dare you XD

Grayson's POV

I toppled face first out of the portal into the stone bricks. "Oof!" I stood up and dusted off my coat. I was instantly aware of the temperature. It was warm with a cool breeze.

I pulled off my coat so that I didn't overheat. It was night time. Billions of stars dotted the night sky.

I glanced behind me at the portal. Why wasn't Armen and Drake coming through? I was pretty sure that I heard them come right behind me.

A terrible thought came to mind. What if Herobrine took them? He was in the area hunting us. Perhaps He took them just as they entered the portal.

I winced. If that was true, then that meant I was alone. Rose hadn't woken up once since they came to the Arctic Base. If I had any sense, I'd just leave her here to focus on my own survival. Except Armen would have wanted me to take care of her.

I struggled to climb up the ancient stairs. Rose's weight was holding me back, and if I wasn't too careful, I could fall back down and break my neck.

I came to the top, and then I saw the path. It was a narrow gravel path. That meant... "Civilization." Maybe these people, whoever they are, could help Rose.

I lifted he over my shoulder. I don't think that people would have created paths in the middle of nowhere. At most, I'd probably have to walk maybe twenty miles before I see the first sign of human life.

The portal made a loud, thunder-like noise. Startled out of my mind, I lay down the sleeping girl against a tree so that I can check it out. As a precaution, I pulled out my gun and held it at ready.

"Drake? Armen?" I stopped to stare in disbelief at the portal. It was gone. Like it never existed.

Any hope of Drake and Armen following me disappeared. Now I was in an entirely different dimension alone with an unconscious girl that I don't even really know. Armen and Drake were nowhere to be seen. Well, at least Herobrine wouldn't be here, either. .

The building the portal was in looked really old. It was so worn down, but there were no vines that I could see. The bricks were cracked or missing. Huge chunks of the wall were missing. I shook my head. It probably didn't mean anything.

I glanced around at the plants. There were so many, and I recognized almost none of them. A frosty blue-green bush shook lazily in the breeze. I cautiously touched it. You'd expect the plant to be at the same temperature as the air around it, but no, it was icy. There was something about it, however, that made it comforting. Maybe my time at the Arctic Base affected my sense of hot and cold.

I swear, the plant looked like it was glowing. It might have been because of its color, but something was just off about it. Nothing seemed right about this place, actually.

The stars provided little light for me to see by. Squinting in the darkness, I took Rose and placed her on my back. I really hope that she'd wake up soon. I don't know what kinds of predators are here, but I will have a much harder time keeping the two of us alive if she was still asleep.

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