Chapter 3

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Nick's father was furious during the car ride home.

"Nick, can't you behave for just a little while?! You're eleven years old. You're too old for this!"

Nick was scared. His father was nice to him, and never yelled.

"For the last time, it wasn't my fault! I didn't do anything wrong this time. James chased me to the roof."

By then, their car was just pulling into their driveway. Nick got out, and kept his mouth shut.

"Bloody hell, Nick!" his father said. "Stop with the games. When you get inside, go to your room. Your mum and I are going to the market. Now, I want you to still be in your room when we get back. Got it?"

Nick nodded, before heading inside. He went to his room and played on his computer for a while. He then cracked the door open to peek and see if his parents were home. They weren't. He ran downstairs to watch TV.

After an episode of "Doctor Who" and "Fawlty Towers", there was a knock at the front door. Nick turned off the TV and flew to the door. He opened it, but was shocked not to see his parents, but a man wearing a dark trench coat.

"Hello Nicholas, my dear boy!"

Nick was confused. He had never seen this man in his life, yet he knew his name.

"Who are you, kind sir? And, may I ask, how do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know all about you, Nicholas, including your powers!"

Nick was frightened for the umpteenth time that day. This man had appeared on his doorstep knowing all about him!

"You didn't answer my question, sir. Who are you?!"

"Let me in and I'll explain everything!"

"I'm not letting you in unless you tell me who you are and how you know everything about me!!!"

"Very well then. My name is Thanatos, and I am your uncle."

"I don't understand. My parents don't have any siblings."

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but they aren't your biological parents."

Nick's jaw dropped.

The Secret Life of Nick O'HareWhere stories live. Discover now