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Scarlet rubs her arm, watching as Dr. Carson helps Tyler and his mother pack his things into the trunk of the car. She felt conflicted, too conflicted. She really didn't have anyone aside from Tyler here, and there he was, gathering all his shit and leaving. Leaving not only her, but Thebe also. And Taco and Jasper and Lionel and Nakel and everyone else. They had already saw him off and left, leaving her alone to just watch and be hopeless. There wasn't anything she could do to stop him.

What could she do? Beg his mother to let him stay and work like she does? That would be unfair. Unlike her parents, Tyler's mother cared about him and his well being, and she knew this just by the way she looked at him when he strolled up, a bunch of his friends behind him and her by his side, holding his hand like her life depended on it.

She wondered what his mother thought of her. Would she liked her? Did she think she was some sort of easy girl? The sort of girl who let any dude have her at camp? Tyler had been her first, not only sexually, but romantically. She's never really been involved with any other guy other than Tyler. This was her first real relationship. She didn't regret anything she's done with him, like she did with the other guys she's been 'involved' with.

And now look, he was leaving, breaking up with her and moving on with his life. Probably going back to LA and is going to move on with his life.


"Hey." She quietly says, looking up at him.

"No sus, but... Imma miss the hell outta you." He says, taking a step forward.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She says, blinking to keep the tears from falling. "Sorry I'm being all emotional." She laughs, rubbing her eyes. "I really don't mean too. I'm a cry baby."

"Yeah, you are." He chuckles, pinching her cheeks. She slaps his hand away with a smile. He lets out a breath, leaning in to kiss her. "Fuck, Imma miss that." He says, pulling away.

"Stop being sus." She says, pushing him away. "And, call me sometimes, okay? Whenever you get the chance, text me."

"Yeah, I will, I promise." He says.

"You still have my number right? You didn't smear it or sweat all over it, right?" She asks, grabbing his hand and studying it. "Okay. Like, don't wash your hands until you can put this in your phone, or on paper."

"I won't." He says, smirking at her.

"Okay. I'm sure TC'll let me use my phone here." She mutters, looking around. "Jesus, Tyler, I'm gonna miss-" He kisses her again, cutting her off and she wraps her arms around his neck. After a while, he pulls away and she places her head on his shoulder. He hugs her back, squeezing her body gently.

"I'd hate to break up this beautiful sight, but we're going to have to leave soon." Tyler's mother says, making Scarlet pull away and wipe her face.

"I'll see you around, dummy." She says, gently punching his arm.

"Yeah." He says. "See you later."


"Fuck, it's so good to see you again, Scar!" Taco says, squeezing her tightly as he spun her around. "I wish I could've seen you yesterday but you were-"

"Exhausted." She says for him, giving him a smirk. "It's good to see you too. I really wasn't expecting you to call me or anything. So, what's up? Why did I fly all the way out to Cali?"

"Well, it started out as a regular ass birthday party, but I couldn't find this nigga a gift, so I thought, maybe he'd want to see you."

"Who's birthday is it? I didn't get a gift! Do you think I should-"

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