Chapter 5 Gone

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When Babi finally woke up, she was met with pure silence. She had woken up in an odd room, with no recollection of how she had gotten there.

When she sat up from the bed, she recognized a specific scent that coated both the blankets and the pillows.

Max Rush.

"Where am I?" She asked herself.

There was silence for a long moment and then she heard a voice.

"In my room. You passed out, after Temp told you about the money I gave to your mom" the deep accent, startled Babi.

She didn't know what to say to him. She was so embarrassed.

"Babi-" Max continued, getting up the chair that sat in the corner of the room. "Babi, I didn't mean to offend you. I just know how hard it is. I know how people like you're mom can be and...and I didn't want her pressuring about money, when I can so easily help you. You have school and work and life to take care of. Your mother shouldn't be on you priority list." he said, walking over to the bed, slowly.

Babi's mouth felt dry as she tried to speak.

"It's not your fix it. I appreciate you trying to help me out and I'm not trying to be ungrateful, because you and Tempest have given me more love in the past year, than my mother has my whole life. But you are my friends father...not my fairy godmother" Babi spoke, looking up into his eyes.

As the words left her, she realized that they didn't sound like her own words. Her voice, wasn't her own.

Maybe it was pride...but she didn't like that he was worrying about her living situation.

"I'm not pretty enough to be a fairy godmother" he smiled sheepishly, trying to lighten the tense vibe.

Babi wasn't amused.

"Please Mr. Rush" she begged, but was interrupted by Max.

"Maximiliano, that's my name, but you can call me Max" he told her, feeling slightly awkward.

He didn't like that she was getting upset with him over something that could so easily be fixed by him.

Why wouldn't she just let him help? It wasn't like she was asking him! He wanted to help!

"Max...just please. Please don't do it again. Don't ever give my mother money again. She doesn't deserve it" Babi sighed, looking at the tall man, who wanted to give her everything.


"Please...never again" she whispered, looking up at him.

Max opened his mouth, but soon nodded.

"Alright, never again" he agreed.

Babi silently thanked him and began to get out of bed. But she was quickly stopped by Max, who jumped to her side and grabbed onto her hand tightly.

"You're still hurt" he told her.

Babi looked up. Blue met green, as he stood above her. Their eyes remained on one another, as he held onto her hand. Babi's heart slowly picked up, as Max's eyes slowly traveled down to her pink lips.

"Don't move" he whispered, keeping his eyes on her lips. "Don't...don't move" he repeated.

She did as he said. She soon realized that she wouldn't have moved, even if she wanted to...and she didn't.

"I should go" Babi whispered, knowing that whatever this wasn't going to end well.

He slowly started leaving down. He held a breath that he didn't realize he was holding.

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