Ch.2 Devil's Night Pt. 1

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Taylor pov

"Good morning Miss Lovely. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, I just came to give you this letter." A girl says to me.

"Who are you?" I ask as I sit up.

"Mrs. Evers, the maid. Go on, open it! I can tell it's very important." She says.

I open the letter and read it, I am invited to a the hotel. It says "Devils Night", creepy name.

"Well I better be going." Mrs. Evers says as she rushes out the door.

"Well that was weird. It's at 9:00 so I've got some time." I say to myself.

My phone goes off: a text from Cam.

Cam-Hey Taylor, are you sure that hotels safe? The news says that a police officer got a call saying there was a murderer in room 64, isn't that your room?
Me-Yeah, Really? Well that's scary. I got invited to this dinner tonight, I don't even know them but I decided to go. Why don't you some over, I'm bored.
Cam-Sure, what time? I'm with Aaron rn but I can go now if he can come. And if I was you, I wouldn't go.
Me-Yeah, he can come. Well I'm gonna be a risk taker and go.
Cam-Okay, see you soon.

-knock knock-

"Come in!" I yell.

"Hello darling, you can call me Elizabeth." A lady says to me.

"I'm Taylor, may I ask why you came to my room?" I ask her.

"I want to offer you what most people would just die for" Elizabeth says with a chuckle.

"What?" I ask as I sit on my bed.

"Eternal life! You can live forever, but always listen to me." She says as she sits next to me.

"How do I know I can trust you." I say as I get up and walk over to my cooler to get a water bottle.

"Because, now don't ask questions. Will you take the offer or no?" She says with a slight smirk.

"I guess..." I say.

"Come here, drink this." She says as she cuts open her arm.


"Just do it honey, trust me." She says as she lures me in.

I can't move my own body, it feels like I'm in a trance. I'm walking, towards her. I want to stop, I want to leave! She's doing something to me. Once I get to her, she makes me drink her blood. Surprisingly its kind of good, not like the blood that comes out when you bite your tongue, or loose a tooth. It was sweet, like candy.

"See, isn't that better? Now I have to go, don't forget to feed soon. You don't want to dry up!" She says as she leaves my room.

"What the fuck was that?" I whisper to myself as sit on my bed.

Whatever just happened didn't seem real. It's like I was daydreaming. I don't fell different, not at all. Maybe I can sleep it off, forget it all.

I lay down on my bed, and stare at the ceiling as I fall asleep.

Cam pov

"Come one Aaron, let's go!" I say as I push Aaron into the car.

"I haven't seen Taylor L since three years ago. I bet she doesn't remember me." Aaron says as I drive.

"She does man, I swear. We always talk about old times, all the fun we used to have." I say as I pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

"She's staying here? This is the creepiest hotel I've ever seen!" Aaron says as he looks around it.

"I know, I researched its past. Turns out that mass murderer James March lived and died here, he owned the hotel. He built it, with workers though. They say some of the recent murders were done by his successor. I've heard that the murderer them self might live here." I say as we walk up to the front desk and ring the bell.

"Reservation?" The lady says.

"No, just visiting a friend. Room 64." I say.

"Oh, lemme take you there." She says as she leads us into the elevator.

Once we get to her floor, we get out. The hallways are so long, longer than I remember. At the end of one I see an addict. At the other a kid with blonde hair.

In the distance I can year yelling. Holden, maybe that's the kids name.

"Here we are. Try not to brake anything or make to much noise." She says with a groan as she opens the door and leaves us.

"Where is Taylor? She should be here. She told me she would be..." I say disappointed.

Taylor pov

I wake up in a circular white bed, completely naked. Why the fuck am I naked. Around me is a lot of blood and...

"A DEAD BODY! SOMEONE CALL 911." I scream at the top of my lungs.

Fortunately I find my clothes, not covered in blood luckily, and I put them on. After I clean off the blood with a wash cloth and exit the room.

Can pov

"Did you hear that scream?! It sounded like Taylor!!" I say as I shook a worried glance towards Aaron.

"Probably not, she does scream like an old lady so it could have bee anyone." Aaron says with a small smirk.

"But it still could've been her, I'm gonna go check it out." I say as I walk away and down the hall.

Mr. March pov

"Devil's Night will be starting soon, Mrs. Evers. I hope that everything is ready." I say.

"Yes yes, we even have a special little something prepared for the guest. Oh and Ramirez wanted to know if he should come early so you guys could have some extra time together." Mrs. Evers says.

"Of course! Now let's get back to business." I say as I walk out of my room.

Hmmm, what business could James bet talking about? What is the special thing for Taylor? Find out in the next update of "The Cortez"
Sorry if this took a really long time for me to update, I may or may not have lost my username after logging out. I hope you enjoy this chapter and wish to read the next one. I'm almost at one hundred reads for this book. I swear when I logged on I had a heart attack. It may not be one million reads like other books but I'm very happy with what I have. Bye love you guys sooooo much! (btw it may have a lot of typos sorry)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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