chapter one

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"Giovanni" Kayla yelled its been two years now Giovanni is growing up hes two now soon to be three me and his father is in a really good place right now I got a three bed room house 1/2 bath its pretty nice Giovanni has a play room of his own and yeah its wonderful

"Yesh mommy"

Gio said to me.

"You wanna go play with your cousin Aubrey"


I just started laughing cause of how cute he talks.

"Yes Aubrey"


"Okay baby go get your shoes"

Ring ring

"Wassup Kay"
"Wassup baby daddy"
"Were gio can I come pick him up I "wanna take him to the water park"
He's getting his shoes cause we was about to head over to my sisters house but yeah you can come pick him up"
"Alright I'll be there in like 30 minute"

After I got off the phone with king Giovanni came running back in the living room.

"I dat my shoes on mommy"

"Your daddy's coming to get you your not gonna see Aubrey today okay"

"But I wanna see abuey mommy"

Giovanni said pouting and throwing a tantrum.

"Gio you wanna stand in the corner"


"Well get your act together right now"

"Otay mommy"

"Your gonna go to the water park with daddy"

I said putting Giovanni shoes on the right feet and tieing them up.

Knock knock knock.

"The water park mommy"

"Yes and ya daddy's here"

"Daddy daddy daddy"

I opened the door and king was standing there with this big smile on his face.


I said to king.


"Daddy daddy hi daddy"

"Hi son wassup you ready to go"


King said picking Giovanni up.

"Gio were is my kisses"

I said looking at gio.

"Oh sowwie mommy"

Giovanni gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You be good okay"

"Otay mommy"

"After the water park were gonna go to my moms house for dinner I'll have him back before 9:00 ight"

"That's fine oh you almost for got his toy and sippy cup here you go"

"Awe thanks"

King said.

"No problem"

"Well I'll see you later"

King gave me a hug before he left.

"Bye gio mommy loves you"

"Bye bye mommy"

I love Giovanni that's my lifeline right there I live for him and do anything for him that's my baby I shut the door and went into the house since im kid free I think I'm gonna treat myself to a day at the spa I grabbed my phone and purse and keys then left out I also need to go get some new jeans cause my hips have spread since Giovanni was born I been working out but I need new jeans I finally arrived at the spa I signed in and just waited into it was time for Me to go back.

"You can go head and go back now"

"Okay thanks"

I said walking back when I got back there I got a full body massage and a medicure and pedicure something I been needing after everything was done I left and went on head to forever 21 and got new jeans and also went to baby gap to get gio some stuff.

Kings p.o.v

"So do your mommy have a new boyfriend gio"

"No you got ah new girlfriend daddy"

"Nahh daddy just chilling"

I miss Kayla I miss her a lot but also at the same time she not gonna want me back even If I asked I'm now realizing how bad I fucked up when I look at gio I see Kayla and pray to god we can work something out.

"Daddy daddy I don't want this pizza no more"

"Okay just put it in the food box you can take it home"

"Okay daddy"

"I go get back in water"

"Wait for me son"

I love my son to death and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Kayla's p.o.v

Why Giovanni is gone I cleaned and cooked dinner I made some steak mash potatoes and green beans I had my Pandora playing why I was doing everything I took a nice hot shower and put on some black shorts a white crop top tank top and some nike socks I brushed my hair up into a bun ate and just chilled.

Knock knock

"Who is it"

I said unlocking my door.


King said holding gio in his arms why he's sleep.

"Oh come in and lay him down in his bed"

King walked in and went to go lay gio down Then came back up front and looked at me.

"Un un none of that king I'm glad you had a wonderful time with you son"

"Same here"

I gave king a hug then he walked out the door man I remember the days were I couldn't be or live without him Now I'm being strong being the bigger person

First chapter

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