Chapter 11

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I woke up in a mysterious place. I panicked as my vision cleared and I still didn't recognize where I was. I was in a comfy bed with white covers. I was in a smallish room with light brown walls. Oh! I was in some kind of hospital!

Just then, a woman came in. Not just any woman, it was Headmistress Sterling!

"Oh! Candy, you're awake! What was the last thing that you remember?" she asked me.

"Well, I remember being in the jet coming back to the Academy, and then Seamus and I both got dizzy. Then we both fell and that's all I remember." I replied. While I had been speaking, the Headmistress sat down in a chair that had been by the bed I was in.

"Well, after you two fell to the floor, Ethan yelled for me and the paramedic that was on board came and helped you. Then we landed at the Academy and brought you two to the Academy's infirmary. Seamus is in the next room over. He hasn't woken up yet."

"How long has it been? You know... since we were knocked out?"

"Four days," she replied.

I stayed silent for a second, remembering the moments just before blacking out. "Louie... he poisoned us! Right?"

Headmistress Sterling nodded. "They found large traces of poison in you. Now our secret may be out. We are trying to find this man, but we haven't found anything yet. He has basically disappeared."

Great. For all we know, he could be hiding at the Academy and poisoning our water supply! No that's too Merlin. I nodded and swung my legs over the edge so they dangled. I stood on my feet and found myself gripping the bed really hard. I finally got the hang of walking, and walked into the next room, to find Seamus sleeping peacefully. I walked over to his bedside and brushed his hair off of his face. I read his thoughts and heard this, "Can anyone hear me? I can hear someone next to me, but I don't know who they are." That's when it struck me. I can communicate with Seamus! I can talk to him and hear his thoughts. "Seamus! I can hear your thoughts. How do you feel?"

"Candy??? Thank God.. I have spent the last four days in this stupid coma, hearing people come in and out, but I could never tell who they were. Now I know what paralyzed people feel like. When did you wake up?" Seamus thought.

"Just like 10 minutes ago. I wish you were here. You are so cool to talk to. They are looking for Louie, er... whoever he is, but he has vanished. Gone. Poof. It's so aggravating." I said.

"Very. Maybe his power is invisibility or something. That would be awful." Seamus thought.

"That would be. He could be in the academy and we wouldn't even know it, unless he gave himself away or something. This is bloody awful." I said.

"Like your singing." Seamus thought, and I swear he was smirking. I lightly slapped his face. In a coma, yet still the same Seamus. I rolled my eyes and replied, "When have you heard me singing?"

"Never. You just have one of those faces that looks like you would be bloody awful at singing." Seamus replied.

"Well since you can't move, and because I have a fabulous singing voice, I will sing something for you. Hmmmmm what should I sing..." I replied thoughtfully.

"NOOOOO! Candy do not sing."

"OH! I've got it! I'm gonna sing..." I said slowly.

"Yes, yes?" Seamus thought eagerly.

"Never Say Never by JB." I replied and before he could think, I started singing.

See, I never thought that I could walk through fiiiiirrre,

I never thought that I, could take the burn.

I never had the strength to take it hiiiigggherrr,

Until I reached the point of no return.........

And there's just no turnin' back.

When your heart's under attack,

Gonna give everthin' I have.

Its. My. Destinaaaaayeyyyyeeyyyyyyy.

I was about to start on the chorus, when Seamus rudely interrupted me.

"For the love of all that's holy, STOP! It should be against the law to be so awful at singing." Seamus begged. I laughed. "Okay. Only for you, Shay." I said, liking his new nickname.

"Oh my gawsh. Do not call me that."

"Too late, Shay. I should go see Ethan. I'll come back later, kay'?" I said.

"Okay. Tell Ethan I said hi." Seamus thought.

"Will do." I replied, walking out the door, and straight into Archer. I have the worst problem with running into him. Literally. "Oh, um, hi." I said, putting some space between us. I stepped back, and he stepped forward. "Where you going, Candy?" Archer asked playfully. I took another step back as he took another one forward. "Archer, don't come any closer." I said.

"Why not, sweet cheeks?" He asked.

"Because I don't like you." I said.

"I think you do. I think you secretly want me, but just won't admit it." He said stepping closer, driving me into a wall.

"No. I don't." I couldn't look him in the eye. Archer put his hands on either side of my head and leaned in really close. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't." I looked up and looked him in the eyes, but before I could say anything, he sealed his mouth over mine. I was in total shock. I didn't even say anything!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr. Why does he always do this. Just as I pushed him off me, I heard someone yell, "Archer?! What the bloody heck are you doing kissing my sister?"


Yo people,

Hope you liked the chapter. For those of you who are confused, Merlin was a tv show about King Arthur and the wizard, Merlin. In like the 5 episode, a witch poisoned the water, so that's what gave me the idea for that sentence. Sorry for the confusion.

So, thoughts on Archer? Arrogant Jerk/Player? Or Big softie who really wants the best for Candy?

Vote + Comment= Vomment! Do NOT forget to Vomment! We want to hear your opinions. Unless thye are bad. Then don't bother. If you have any suggestions, feel free to Inbox me.

Peace out homies,

-homicidedetective101                    (Katsa and Jasmine)

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