A stranger

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I quickly turned it off and stood stretching. I walk into the bathroom and toke a quick shower before combining my shaggy blonde hair I then sighed at myself I had small black Gage's in my ears and two top loops in right ear. I had a lip and nose ring both on the left side. And my eyes... Oh my stupid blue eyes always looking like I'm wearing mascara and eyeliner but I'm not!! I just have dark lashes!!! I sighed be for shaking my hair letting it do... Whatever it is it dose. I walked out of the bathroom into my room where I got dressed in dark jeans my boots my crown the empire shirt and my black hoodie. I grabbed my back pack and headed out the door.

Half way down the block I heard screaming I then saw a man running around the corner. he collided with me before I had time to move, pulling us both to the ground. he quickly stood and ran away. I was about to yell at him when a pounding in my head cut me off and I collapsed.

I couldn't move, and I could here more yelling and a dog barking coming my way. before I could figure out what to do I heard harsh growls getting closer I felt a cold nose on my neck, then a whimper and the dog layed beside me it's head on my neck I was stating to get the feeling back in my body. "REX"! I heard a deep voice bellow the dog let out a bark. I heard footsteps coming our way. "damn it's only a kid" said some one "never mind who it is heck must have shoot him, or stabedd him, or bounced his head of the sidewalk"said the voice from before "we'll figure that out latter lets get him home first he might try pressing charges if he wakes up here" "ok"

One of the men lifted me off the ground and carried me bridal style then placed me in the back seat of a car the dog from before got in and laid it's head in my lap. the two men got in the front seats. "Rex seems to really like that kid". said the one on the passenger seat. "yeah I wonder why"? said the driver and started the car. I finally managed to open my eyes I was in a some kind of muscle car and the driver had this crimson red spiky hair and a black leather jacket with some kind of tattoo on his neck. the passenger had black short hair and a green jacket. I looked down at the dog in my lap to see a young German shepherd. the longer I looked at the dog the more I recognized him. solid black with tan paws and belly, and little tan eyebrows and a tiny bit around his nose. "r-rex"? I mumbled. his ears picked up and he looked up at me wagging his tail. "Rex is that really you"? I said hey barked and licked my cheek. "it is you"! I said happily hugging and petting him. "how do you know my dog"? the driver said looking at me through the re-view mirror.

"it was then that I remember what happened. I was in a strangers car going god knows where not to mention the pounding in my head. but for some reason I wasn't worried at all, not to mention how extremely good looking the driver was. His red hair stuck out in all right ways and framed his face perfectly. His dark golden eyes. Looked at me sternly he raised one eyebrow I then noticed. The piercings that decorated his face. On most people they look trashy but they looked rather nice on him.

"Well he was my dog first, I found him as a pup and brought him home. I managed to keep him hidden from my mother for a few months, but when she found him she beat both him and me and drove off to the worst part of town and threw him out into the middle of the road. I was sure he didn't make it threw the night but here he is." I say petting his head softly. "oh well you'll be happy to know we see her dump him out of the car and I ran and picked him up before he got hit and nursed him back to health". "good I'm glad he had a good home" I say smiling.

the guy in the passenger seat turned around and looked at me "what makes you so sure he did? and on that note shouldn't you be terrified right now?" he asked. "any normal person would be, but believe it or not this is not the first time I've been tackled and woke up in a strange car" I say chuckling. "really"? The driver ask. "I'm serious moms an addict, when she can't pay for her fix she rents me out for a few days. though I must say you guys don't look like any of 'bosses' men. are you new or mother get a new dealer?" I ask stretching. "so the rumors are true" the driver mumbles.

"no kid were the exact opposite of 'boss' were from dragon". The driver swings his arm and hits the guy in the chest. "don't tell him stupid"! It was in that moment that I panicked, bosses boys were constantly fighting with dragons men. 'Shit this is really bad, if mom finds out or worse boss does I'm dead'! I screamed in my head panicking. "stop the car and let me out right now"! I shouted.

My first update in forever so sorry! I will update this and all my other stories more often I promise!!

Love ya kitties


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