White Ribbon Day

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Today is White Ribbon Day, at least in Australia (where I'm from if you didn't know) and it's basically an anti-domestic violence day. There were loads of walks/parades today and there's a pledge you can take and signs, but I can't help noticing they are all about violence against women and children. While it's a great cause and I in no way condone violence (unless in self-defense), I'd like to say violence against anybody is bad, and there should be more campaigns against domestic violence of all kinds- including that persecuted by women. Otherwise I whole-heartedly support the cause- oppression is not love and there are always people to speak to and places to go.

Info/Links/Phone Numbers


http://www.thehotline.org/          1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

http://www.familycrisisfoundation.com/?gclid=CKPy6ZeRq8kCFQV8vQodW6UEtQ     1-800-686-8167



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