The Fake Boyfriend

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"He's so dreamy and cute and sexy all in one." Mary says as she looks at Jason. "I wish I could have him but I can't." Mary sigh. "Mary you don't need a guy like that u have James remember. When are we going to meet this James guy . ever since you told everyone you had a boyfriend we all have been waiting to meet him." Says Marys friend Sarah." You say that you love him so let us meet him." Said Sarah. "OK fine truth is..." Mary was cut off by her only friend who knows the truth, Jessica "truth is that James is moving so its a very touchy subject to mary at moment." Jessica says over powering Marys voice " Plus Mary its not fair that you allowed Jessica to meet him but not us" Sarah says with an attitude leaning towards Jessica to make her feel bad. " Would you two just stop it Alexa is coming over hear. You know she knows I like her boy friend and would kill me if she heard what you guys were talking about." Yells Mary. "Ya cause Mary doesn't want to admit that she lied to everyone" Alexa says in front of everyone. Before Mary could say a thing Jessica yells at Alexa " Oh he's real alright and he's so sexy and cute and...... Hell be taking Mary to the dance next Friday." "Waite way are you doing shut up." Mary whispers to Jessica. "Oh I'm so sorry Mary I forgot it was supposed to be a surprise when you guys show up inside the limousine." Jessica says before Mary could say any more and Alexa could say a thing. "Well I guess well see at the dace o and if you do show up with this quote on quote James guy I'll publicly apologize when I'm voted prom queen." Alexa says "* sigh* oh god what did you do Jessica" Mary says

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