A peak of history.

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Fatimah Hassan Hadid - born on Tuesday, July 19th 2017 to Hassan Hadid, former Hakim of Lavender Lane and Laila Shazli, a former Farms Village resident prior to moving to the Floret Gardens upon her marriage.
Fatimah was the older sister of one. Omar Hassan Hadid, ( See section 29: The True Warrior ), for whom he was six years younger.
For the first almost two decades of her life, Fatimah spent her days doused within Lavenders, ignorant of the world lying beyond the Gardens' fence; for her the world never existed. That was it till the launch of the June 6th revolution by the Lightning Bolts. (See section 4: Lightning Bolts, a streak of Liberty).
People of the Gardens watched her grow, attributing her aura of quietude to being displeasure towards the trepidations the Gardeners were pressured into facing day by day. It was unbeknown to them all however that they were witnessing the nurture of the girl that would be Zidania's Lost Lavender.

- Rose Almasi, the legend awakening.
Published 2097.

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