Chapter Thirteen

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Sonny casually walked to me after what looked like an argument with Destiny. He floated up the stairs as if they weren't there.

"I am to escort you to your room, Prince Justice," he bowed gracefully. I raised an eyebrow and was reminded again that I was acting human and needed to act more like a faery. I nodded in acknowledgement to his bow and asked that he continue to lead the way.

We walked down a golden path which Sonny had called 'The Path Of Glory' – a path which showed you all of your glorifying moments, but as I walked over it, I realized it to be true as it showed me every glorious and good thing I had ever done since I had broken my own survival rules but I did not smile. I cried silent tears, for the goodbye I had never had a chance to say.

"Are you alright Justice?" Sonny asked. He had seen my tears. I nodded.

"Glory is a good thing, Prince Justice. It shows we have a lot of heart and are not cold as our enemies are," Sonny pointed out.

"I know," I said, "But there are some things...some things...that make or can turn glory into our enemies. That we remember thing's that spreads pain no love can heal. It weakens the very essence of our beings." Sonny looked at me shocked at my words but he'd soon understand why when he reads my mind, my memories, and my essence - my everything.

"It'll be alright, Prince Justice. You are still here and you will be ready for better or for worse tomorrow. But you must believe you will and you must have faith. So will it be! So will it be!" Sonny patted me on the back not as harshly as last time.

I raised an eyebrow, curious as to why all the faeries say 'so be it' or 'so will it be' twice. I had heard it used several times now and the tiny curiosity was now growing like fire.

"Sonny?" I ask, catching up to him before he disappeared again.

"Yes, Justice," he answered.

"Why is the Unseely King so against me and the Ashford's?" I asked. I had been meaning to ask the 'so be it' question but this was an instantaneous thought that fought the other with both tooth and claw to be told.

"There is a legend about the Ashford's such as yourself...every faery knows it," he exclaimed, obviously hinting that I too should know it by now. I shook my head. Not all of my memories had successfully come back yet.

"Well, maybe it isn't true then," Sonny said, disappointedly. I cringed at such disappointment towards me and felt evidently bad because of it.

"Maybe there is," I said trying to make the faery feel better.

"Face it, Justice. If you don't know about it then it won't be true because you are their next descendant," Sonny exclaimed.

"It might still be true and you will know tonight why I cannot remember such a thing," I said and continued walking quicker, as so Sonny wouldn't ask me questions I wasn't ready to answer.

We had just entered the gates of Seely when the sun was at its highest. The sun caused the castle to be an ever-blinding light, as it shined down on its golden walls. I shied my eyes away from the light but Sonny didn't. Faeries didn't have to. Another fault the Unseely King could use against me, I thought angrily.

"The Seely court was actually man-made," Sonny exclaimed, "It was made by people who believed that in giving our ancestors their own home...they would create peace in Awnin." A peacekeeping, I thought, how weird?

"But did it work?" I asked curiously.

"It did for a while, yes but then the human's oath of chastity was broken by our ancestral queen and they killed the human and queen together and thus created war," he answered sadly. I nodded almost laughing over the fact it was over someone's virginity, so weird.

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