His Assistant

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Re-posting because there are some fun pics at the end!

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What does a personal assistant do?

Anything the boss requires.

At twenty-five years of age, I had landed my dream job. I had already accomplished what most people could only fantasize about.

About eight months ago, I was hired to be the personal assistant of one very sexy, very famous, very available pop star - the one and only Harry Styles.

The job meant that I got to be in close personal contact not only with Harry, but all four One Direction members, I got to travel the globe when they went on tour, I got to meet a lot of other celebrities, and I received a paycheck that was larger than most CEO's in Corporate America.

There was literally nothing I could complain about.

Except the fact that I was falling in love with my boss.

When I had first gotten the job, I was ecstatic for obvious reasons. But I made sure that my brain understood that, under no circumstances, was I allowed to fall for Harry. I would be happy just to get to know him as a friend and co-worker. That was already more than most women could ever hope for.

Unfortunately, my heart doesn't listen to my brain when it comes to brilliantly beautiful men like Harry.

We were currently in Spain for a series of concerts, public appearances, and a charity football match in which the guys would be participating.

"Hey, Ashton, I have a few things I need you to do today."

I looked up from my book, grabbed my phone, and gave Harry my full attention. "Sure, Boss, what is it?" I asked.

He laughed and reminded me, "I told you not to call me that. It's weird."

"Okay, Your Highness," I said, biting my lip and trying not to smile.

He gave me a playful poke in the ribs, making me squeal. "I'm serious. We're equals, so you don't need to give me silly titles. Now, today is going to be a busy day, so I need your help."

I put my hands on my hips. "Have I ever not helped you?" I demanded. "I mean, that's my job and we both know that you can't live without me."

"This is true," he said with a sly grin. He leaned back against the desk while he gave me a quick rundown.

I added every task to my to-do list. "Your wish is my command. Harry," I said, emphasizing his first name to show him that I viewed him as my equal as well. Although I certainly didn't possess even a fraction of the talent, charisma, or unsurpassed beauty that Harry embodied. But that was one of the many things I truly loved about him - he was so humble and down-to-earth, despite his over-abundance of completely stunning qualities.

"Thanks, Ash," he said, walking over and leaning in to kiss my cheek. He was the only person who was allowed to shorten my name like that, but only because he's so undeniably sweet.

The guys had several interviews lined up for the day, and then a short concert in honor of the charity football match that would happen the next day. I took off to do my errands after I had laid out Harry's clothes for him.

I flagged down a taxi and used my limited Spanish to get to the shops. I had three different places to visit and I had to get back by 5:00 PM. I loved Barcelona, even though I'd only been here once when I was much younger. I successfully asked the cab driver to wait for me at each shop, and I promised to give him a large tip when my errands were finished. I enjoyed every single moment of each place I visited; there was such a rich culture here. After stop number three, I looked at my phone. I still had plenty of time, so I decided to make one more stop at a chocolate shop. I wanted to pick up something for Harry and his insatiable sweet tooth. Sure, he showed the world his health nut side most of the time, but he enjoyed the occasional treat. I had made it my personal mission to find something unique for Harry in every new city we visited.

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