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Bella's P.O. V
Today is the day that "she" arrives. I already don't like her, by what i have head she that she is always on Edddy and I don't like it Edward will always be mine!!! "Allie how much longer till Tayna arrives?" I asked. "10 more minutes" Ally said. "Okay thank you" "Eddy!!!" I yelled. "Yes sweetheart?" Eddy said. "10 more minutes till she arrives. " "Why do you always call her she?" "Cause I don't like her. " " I don't like her either but Bella sweetie you've never met her" "Well everyone told me that she clings to you and I don't like it bc you are and will be mine not hers." "Your right Bella" then he picked me up because Tanya will be here any minute. Then there was a knock at the door. "Hello Tanya" said daddy. "Hello Carlise" "Come in" "Where's Edward" "In the living room with the rest of the family and we have someone new for you to met. " then she came in and went straight for Edward till she noticed me. "Eddy who is this?" "This is Bella" "Why do y'all have a human?" "Because her mother died and her father was dead before she was born and we couldn't get a hold of her other family members and we just couldn't put her in foster care that would be mean to do to a baby." "I love you Eddy" "Edward why does she call you Eddy I thought I was the only one to call you Eddy. " "Well Bella I don't know why but you are right you are the only one that can call me Eddy. " "okay Eddy" "Well aren't you a cute little thing Bella." "Thank you Tanya" "Edward since I can't call you Eddy my I play with Bella in her room?" "I don't know Bella can she?" "I guess I should play with her" "Okay be careful call my full name if you need me I'll be up there in a second if you do. " "Okay Eddy" When we got up to my room Tanya closed my door and pick up and put me against the wall and said "Stay away from My Edward or else" I just nodded my head and then we played till mommy called me down for lunch and then I ran down the steps even tho I tripped on the last step but Eddy caught me. Then he carried me to the kitchen I looked at Tanya and she was glaring at me because I was in Eddy arms and then at that moment I knew the or else was going to happen any minute now. After I finished Tanya wanted to play with me more and I agreed we went back up to my room and the Tanya grabbed my arm broke it into pieces, then she stepped on my leg broke it in two places. "EDWARD ANTHONY MASON CULLEN" I screamed while I was screaming because of the pain he was right after I finished Cullen and he saw Tanya on top of me and he threw her against the wall took me to daddy and daddy told Tanya she was never allowed here again and asked why she did it and she said because I was with her Edward then daddy said well Bella is Edwards they have a connection and they are mates so Edward will always be Bella's. Then Tanya ran out of the house and daddy said she broke and leg and they will take about a month to get better. Then he put me in a cast and gave me pain medication and I went to sleep.

Hope you like it!! Love you guys!!❤️ Then outfit was what she was wearing when Tanya came.

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