Chapter 8

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A/N: As you can see, I've started adding little gifs to the side. What I try to achieve by adding them is show the characters feelings in the chapter. Idk. Tbh I just like looking at the boys' faces. That being said, commence.

*Harry's pov*

The closer we get to the table, the louder the guys' voices are. I wouldn't say I'm nervous because I'm just going to sit down and chat to a bunch of guys that Niall seems to really like, but then again, Niall seems to like everyone by what I've seen so far.

"Paynoooo, Nialler!!" The guy that I've now recognised as Louis, the football team captain and my math project partner shouts, literally shouts. I guess Niall and Liam are liked.

"Ey mates how've you been? Good summer?" Niall smirks so fucking wide and just because of that I can tell that if I stay friends with him and Liam, there's going to be a lot of partying involved in my life.

"It was sick man, apart from the fact that I didn't get to see this little bastard" he points at Louis "'cause he ditched me for Spain. What a shitty best friend he is." I'm guessing that this is Zayn from the information that Niall has shared with me so far. Spain? I was in Spain this summer. I would've told that to the group, but I don't really know the guys.

"How have you been doing? Fucked a lot? If your summer was anything like last years I'm fucking jealous of you two. Spain was beautiful sure, but it was quite bland."

"Niall and I had a fucking amazing time. You guys should've come." Liam says pointing at the football team in general.

"Who's this you two are with? New to school?" Zayn interrupts, points his head my way and sends a smile. Fuck.Me. Is he real? Can someone actually be so perfect?

"Hi I'm Harry. I just moved here, my dad's the new math teacher, um yeah." Why am I so awkward?

"Harry, are you going to be joining the football team? You didn't seem like the athletic type in math." Louis asks.

"You two know each other?" Zayn asks just as I'm about to reply.

"Yeah we're doing a school project together."

"Already?" Zayn asks yet again.

"Yeah my dad's big on those kind of things. Wants me to meet new people and stuff I don't know."

"He seemed alright. I bet we'll have fun making ppp about parallel lines and triangles." I laugh.

"Yeah well, he's old fashioned."

And just like that, Niall, Liam and I sit down and begin to have lunch. Maybe I'll enjoy this school, who knows?

A/N: Sooo I'm not to happy with this but there had to be some sort of meeting between the guys. I'm going to try and make this as realistic as possible, my understanding of realistic, so they won't be saying I love you anytime soon. It might seem boring but idk I guess it's not something I would do in real life so I'm not really having the characters do it. That being said, I hope you enjoyed and comment if you read this because I've never gotten a comment before. Also I know the chapters are short but hey, more chapters in the book right? I'm far too lame its sad.

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