Majnun's Coffee

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Majnun and Victoria shared a meal in the sun room. Majnun asked if Victoria would go to the bazaar wither her. "The one in The Village?" Victoria asked.

"The Village? That place is entirely populated with Darkling, I meant the one in the city, downtown."

"Orchid is coming to see me, so I can't go."

Majnun just nodded and sipped coffee.

Victoria looked towards the window, where distant cotton picking machines rolled by.

"I'm going to buy a dress," Majnun said.

Victoria smiled. "Oh? What sort?"

"Something modern I think. We'll have to travel with Ahmed if his campaign goes much further."

Victoria nodded. "Yes. I'll need a dress. Won't you stay? Orchid would make you a dress, I'm sure he would."

"He's a bhuta."

"He designs for the House of Julien Dangerous. You have Dangerous originals in your wardrobe."

"Taking gifts from them is different. They drink blood. They are like those terrible Hindu gods."

"Orchid isn't like the ones who live in Alexandria. He's very modest."

Majnun said nothing.

She retired to her room some time later, leaving Victoria and their servants to clean up the meal.


Pssst, Majnun is crazy racist against Darkling....She might also be a little closer to some truths than Victoria at this moment.

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