Mas alla de tu sonrisa/beyond your smile

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Hey guys! Maybe by this time some of you have noticed that my first language is Spanish. (Proud Boricua <3) anyways, this is one of my favorite Spanish songs because this is God taking to you, that he can see beyond the smile we show to others in our daily life. And it's really beautiful it always talks to me I hope you can enjoy it, the lyrics at least if you want to hear the song in Spanish the singer is called "fosforito" but I really really wanted to share this song, I'm sorry if made any mistake you can tell me where they are, I'll fix them. And also I want to thank Jfaith37 for always voting and leaving comments on the songs, God bless you :')

Veo tu sonrisa ver que aparentas contentura
Pero mi pregunta para ti
Que es lo que hay más allá de esa sonrisa?
I can see your smile, I can see you appear contentment
But my question to you is
what lies beyond that smile ?

Aveces  tu escondes ese dolor en tu interior y tratas
De ocultar lo que hay en realidad
Sometimes you hide the pain inside yourself
And you try to conceal what is in reality

Tu sonrisa es fingida
Tu contentura una falsedad
Y la soledad te agobia y nadie se da cuenta
Your smile is a fake
your contentment is a falsehood
and the loneliness is overwhelming you and nobody realizes it

El hombre no ve lo que hay en ti
Ese deseo de sentirte morir
Pero yo estoy aquí y te digo a ti
The man does not see what's in you
This desire to feel to die
But I am here and I tell you

Que más allá de tu sonrisa veo yo
That I can see beyond your smile
En medio la tormenta hay estoy yo
In the middle of the storm, there I am
Cuando todos te han dejado aparezco yo
When they have left you alone, I appear
No hay otro  Dios como tu Dios
There's no God like your God
Cada vez que tu fallas te levanto yo
Every time you fail, I get you up
Cada vez que te olvidas quien soy sigo siendo yo
Every time you forget who I am, I still am
Soy el Dios que pelea tu restaura y te renueva
I'm the God that fights, that restores you and renews you
Yo soy tu Dios
I am your God
Y aunque las puertas te han cerrado hoy
And although the doors are close today
Mañana las abro yo
I'll open them tomorrow

Llega un momento en la vida del creyente
There are times in the life of believers
Donde tú dices
Where you have to say
Hasta aquí llego Satanás en mi vida
Up to this point Satan came in my life
Hasta aquí llego el problema, la tribulación, la angustia
Up to this point came the problem, the tribulation, the injustice
Estoy harto de aparentar, de fingir que todo está bien
I'm sick of pretending, of  pretending that everything is alright
Sabiendo que se ha desatado una guerra
Knowing that a war has broken up
Una lucha contra mi vida
A struggle against my life
Ya estoy cansado no aguanto mas
I'm tired, I can't handle it anymore
Sé que me estas entendiendo
(I know you're understanding me)


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