Chapter 1

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Mal was in her tent and as usual, she was spray painting. She heard Ben coming into her tent but focused on her painting."Hey Mal."Ben stood behind her."Hi Ben, what are you doing up early?"Mal asked turning around to face Ben."You have been up since midnight have you?"Ben asked looking at the picture Mal was painting."Yeah I have."Mal admitted. Mal's phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket."Dear Mal, you are going to a new school called Ever After High?"Mal read the message."That's why I came, to let you know you're going to a new school."Ben explained."Why?"Mal asked."You'll see."Ben told Mal to follow him. In the office, Evie,Jay,Carlos,Audrey,and Freddy were already there."You guys too?"Mal asked."Yep."They all said in unison."Alright you all don't need to bring anything because they have everything you need there."Ben explained."Soo?"Evie asked."Just go through this mirror here and you will be there in two seconds."Ben pointed at a mirror on the wall."Aren't you going?"Jay asked Ben."I can't because I have to stay here and manage everything here."Ben explained."Oh."Jay murmured."Well bye!"Mal jumped into the mirror. Evie and the others followed.

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