Studying with the Winchesters

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Listen to this as you read:

(Have to be on a computer to listen, sorry)
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You and the boys were on a hunt in Amarillo, Texas. Four people have died and you can't seem to find out what killed them, you have never seen these types of kills before.

"Got anything yet?" Sam asked you looking up from his laptop.

"No." you said continuing to search through the pile of books you go from the library.

Dean looked up from sharpening his knife, "I still think its a vengeful spirit."

"It can't be Dean," Cas put in .

"And why not?" Dean looked over at Cas.

"No one has recently died in the family, or household." Cas was stern.

"Whatever." Dean grunted, going back to his knife.

"If I can say anything," you say, "It may have actually been closer to something like an animal because of the claw marks on the arms and the chest, but," you continued, "It couldn't be a werewolf because the heart is still there, in their chest."

"I agree with Y/N, but I've been searching in the town records for any violent deaths recently and I am starting to lean more towards what Dean is trying to say." Sam nodded towards Dean.

"Told you Cas." he smirked.

"Assbutt," Cas smiled, looking down at his feet.

The room was quiet for a while after that, everyone just studying away trying to confirm the monster, Dean still sharpening his knife collection.

"I'm gonna go grab some beers," Dean stood up, "Cas, do you want to come?"

"Okay," Cas got up and followed him out the door.

You waved them goodbye and picked up the final book in your stack, hoping that's where the answer lay.

Twenty minutes passed and you were near the end of the book, still nothing.

"I found it!" Sam exclaimed jumping out of his chair.

"Okay, come on, share." You laughed taking a drink of your beer.

"It's the ghost of a citizen who died ten years ago," Sam explained.

"Okay, where did the claw marks come from?" You asked.

"It was a werewolf, and the people who are getting killed are hunters." Sam showed you the email from Bobby.

"Awesome," You yelled, but than thought for a second, "but not awesome because they were hunters dying, because you found out what it was."

You looked down at your feet noticing how stupid that must have sounded.

"Y/N?" Sam asked sitting back down.

"What?" you look up to find him staring right at you.

"What's the matter?" Sam was concerned.

"I sound totally stupid." You blurt without thinking.

"No you don't" Same sounded confused.

"Just forget it." you say.

"Okay," Sam chuckles and places a kiss on your cheek.

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Sorry I haven't wrote in FOREVER!

Hope you like it :3


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