Wendip: The Finale

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Dipper's POV

"You know, you're so much smarter than, like, everyone else," she laughs before continuing, "it's kinda funny. If you were older you'd be like my dream guy."

The last two words rang in my head as my heart began to reach a beat I didn't know was possible.

"Wait, do you really mean that?" I ask, fearing the answer

She dismisses my question and continues her thoughts
"Wait a minute! In this place you can be any age you want! If we were the same age, then maybe you and me could, I don't know, actually be together!" She exclaims

"Wait," I say, struggling to sit up, "really?" I feel my eyes grow wide as she continues

"I bet if we ask Mabel, she could do it right now! In this place, it could finally be just you and me!" She says

My mind begins to picture a world where I was the same age as Wendy, and a bit taller too. We were laughing and running together, like a scene from a movie. The best part was, it was just the two of us. No one else could be found in this fantasy world. I feel myself begin to grin like an idiot.

"Come on, man! Just take my hand!" Wendy says, standing up. She then winks at me.

I begin to reach my hand up to take hers, then I have déjà vu. I've seen that wink before. My mind sparks a memory of the Bunker, the wink that Wendy had given me, and how she actually turned out to be the shapeshifter. I pause, and start scooting backwards.

"Wait! This isn't real!" I exclaim. I then watch my true love dissolve into a pile of bugs.

Time skip!


Bill has been defeated, and the shack is back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be after going through the end of the world. The townsfolk are a little shaken up still, but they'll get over it soon. However, something big is about to happen in Gravity Falls and it involves two very special siblings finally becoming teens.

Dipper's POV

"Dipper?" I hear someone whisper.

When I refuse to open my eyes, the voice repeats my name louder. "Dipper?"

I crack my eyelid open, and see Mabel staring down at me.

"Hey sleepyhead! Get up! It's are last day in Gravity Falls, and our first day of being teenagers! Well, you know, we don't actually turn 13 until 6:18 pm tonight but still! Get up! We need to make the most of our last day here!" She says

I quickly sit up as Mabel's words begin to ring a bell. I need to be ready for today! Mabel and I planned a party for the whole town to come to to celebrate our birthday. The party didn't start until 5:00, but we invited the Mystery Shack gang over a little early to help us set up.

"Okay, I'm up! I call shower first!" I say before sprinting to the bathroom

I take a quick warm shower, throw on clean, yes clean, clothes, and dash downstairs. By the time I'm eating breakfast, it's already 10:00 am.

Just then, Stan and Ford walk in, followed by Mabel.

"Okay, birthday kiddos, it's your last day so no chores. However, Soos and Wendy will be here in a half an hour to help you set up for the party." Stan says

"I have a big surprise that I need to continue working on for you two. I'll be in the basement if you need me." Ford says

Mabel and I sit and eat breakfast together, and before I know it, the giftshop bell rings. I look up, hoping to see Wendy, but it's only Soos.

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