Papyrus X Sans(part 3)

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At the start of a gorgeous sunset to a long evening, Papyrus decided to lay in the snow, while Sans watched in amusement. Papyrus asked, "SANS, DO YOU ENJOY THE SNOW SPIDER I JUST MADE"? "better than what i can do". Sans replied, still staring intently.

"I'M AFRAID TO SAY THIS, BUT I'M BORED. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO NEXT"? "i don't care, as long as you don't hurt yourself, or eat yellow snow". "DON'T YOU THINK I ALREADY KNOW THAT? WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS TREAT ME AS SOME BABY BONES"? "you are a baby bones", replied Sans, with a comical grin on his face. "YOU ALWAYS CALL ME THE BEST BROTHER THERE IS TO OFFER, BUT I'M STILL NOT THE SMART ONE. WHY CAN'T I JUST BE THE ONE WHO'S RIGHT FOR ONCE"? Sans darts his skull at Papyrus, and says, "there are somethings you shouldn't know about. it's best to not get involved with the things i happen to deal with. you just need to be happy for me. if you don't, it only makes me worry. i love you. you're my brother. never think i will ever treat you as a simpleton".

Sans kissed Papyrus' forehead, and started heading to Grillby's for some warmth. "HEY! LET ME COME WITH YOU". Sans turned around and said, "did you think i would leave you alone after what i said? now, bring your pelvis over here. cheer up. undyne said she'd be here in a while. she said she's somewhere with dr. alphys".

Onward the brothers went through a windier day than usual. At this point, they knew that they needed to never separate. Sans held Papyrus by the armour he was wearing across his ribcage. Even though the world kept spinning, and the echoing winds were still audible, it felt calm and quiet.

After a long silence, Papyrus decided to ask, "SANS....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF A HUMAN WAS STRONGER THAN WE THOUGHT, AND IT KILLED ME"? Sans looked at Papyrus with a concerned look on his face. "papyrus, i would never let that happen. you know that". "WELL THAT'S GOOD"...

..............."Hey. What's with the long faces"? "UNDYNE, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM"? "I was with "Scales". She always looks nervous. Maybe it's from lack of people to talk to". "WELL SINCE YOU'RE HERE. DO YOU WANT ANYTHING FROM GRILLBY'S? "No. I feel like losing some weight". Undyne pinched her stomach with a displeased face. Sans quickly turned around to give Undyne a giant hug. His words were, "undyne, all you need to do is smile everyday, and it makes your world brighter". Papyrus had the obvious reaction to such news, complete jealousy.

When the sun finally set, and the skellebros said farewell to Undyne, Papyrus sprang up with questions again. "HEY, WHAT DOES UNDYNE HAVE THAT I DON'T?" ...."patience". Sans was quickly catching on to Papyrus' pattern. "you know papyrus, i've told you enough times to get the point across that i love you. do you need me to make a puzzle for you to figure it out?" "THAT WOULD BE FUN." Papyrus gave a nervous smile. Sans sighed, "oh what am i going to do with you?"..."SANS". Sans started to get irritated. "what?" "I LOVE YOU. HAVE A GOOD REST." With one last final sigh from Sans when tiredly unlocking the door, "same with you"...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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