Chapter 7

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The song is Can't Sleep Love by Pentatonix.

Kissing in the moonlight
Movies on a late night
Gettin' old
I've been there, done that, supposed to be hot, but it's just cold

Somebody wake up my heart, light me up, set fire to my soul
Cause I just can't do it anymore

Give me that can't sleep love
I want that can't sleep love
The kind I dream about all day
The kind that keeps me up all night
Give me that can't sleep love


"So...what is hidrocarbon again?" Grace asked, confuse with the ridiculous question. Grace can't even understand how to do a chemical equation. In fact, she don't even memorise the periodic table.

"Grace. You have been asking me the same question for the tenth time!" Leo answered, frustrated.

What could Grace do if her brain just won't except chemical things? Chemicals are meant to destroy things. Most of them anyway.

"It's not my fault that chemistry is just so damn hard!" Grace whined. She hates chemistry.

"Then why do you take it if you don't even get it?"

"Well Leo, sometimes people make the wrong desicion every single time!"

"Then make it right!"

"How do I make it right if I was so stupid!?"

"I see the point there."

"How can you not see. You genius freak." Grace said sarcastically.

"Is that a compliment?"

"No. You clueless freak!"

"Why am I the freak? You're the weird one!"

"Escuse me!?"

"It's the truth and you know it."

"Excuse me but what is going on here?"

We were interrupted by a familiar voice.

Of course. Nora. This is her house anyway.

"And Grace? I thought you're the one who did the babysitting? I'm pretty sure my baby are not capable of doing all of this." She started to nag with her hand gesturing around the living room.

Grace looked around her to prove Nora's accusation. She realize that papers and Nora's cushion pillow were everywhere near Leo.

"Oh." Grace voice out.

"What are you looking at?" Nora countered Grace.

Grace grinned goofily.

"Grace. Where is my son?"

"In his baby cot. With Callum."

"Thank God for that. By the way, both of you are not doing something sexual or illegal in here, right?" Nora asked looking at us with so much seriousness Grace would be slightly scared.

Grace and Leo both looked at each other before turning away and pretending to puke.

"Eww. Disgusting. No way, Nora. No way."

"Here is just the same. The feeling is mutual. Gross."

"Okay. If that what you say." Nora said then picking up Mahmood and tickle his stomach lightly. Mahmood laughed, making me smile.

"You really like that kid, huh?" Leo suddenly asked.

Grace started to think of any possible way to tell the truth but decided to go against it.

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