Chapter Two: Poltergeist

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Summer groaned, and knocked on the door. "I don't wanna do this..."


Summer sighed, and grabbed the doorknob. She opened the door and walked in.
"Hello? Anyone there?"

Summer sighed and looked around.
It was very dark, but at least she could see, since she'd left the door open.
Summer saw a large set of doors ahead of her, and some stairs next to the wall.
She went to the doors and tried the doorknobs. Locked.
She started walking up the stairs.


Summer whipped around and saw that the front door was shut. She ran back down and tried jiggling the doorknob.
"Wait! Open the door!"
She bit her lip and started going up the stairs anyways.
Summer was met with 2 doors. She went to the closest one and turned the doorknob.

This time it opened.
Summer glanced in the room.
It was dark, but she could see.
The place was definitely old.
Spiderwebs were everywhere.
Summer sighed.

Creepy paintings were also on the walls. An especially creepy one was above a dresser. It had candles with a purple flame over it.

As Summer walked past it, the candle stopped burning.
Soon enough, Summer faced a dark room.

The candles relit purple as Summer turned around fearfully.
The paintings on the wall shook as the candles brightened.

"Who is this?"

"Interrupting our slumbers!"

"The ghosts will get you!"

The paintings chanted angrily, shaking violently on the walls.

Then the lights went out.

"Oh no. No thank you!" Summer declared nervously, looking around the dark room.

Summer backed up, and looked around warily. A flash of orange flashed in her eyes, and Summer blinked in reaction.

Suddenly five orange ghosts appeared in the room.
"G.... Ghosts?" She whispered, immediately backing up hitting the wall.

Summer ran to the once unlocked door, now not opening to leave her in this Parlor.

The ghosts got closer, giggling and grinning. Summer bit her lip, looking at them all in fear.
Suddenly, the ghosts faces changed from sinister to fearful.

"Haha! I got 'em!" A girls voice rang out, Summer looking across the room to see a brown haired girl holding a vacuum like object that was sucking the ghosts up.

Once the ghosts were gone, the lights flickered on and Summer's savior came up to her. "Nice to meet you! Name's Kate. How'd you find this mansion?" She introduced herself.

"I won it in a contest...?" Summer murmured.
"Here, come with me to my lab! That way you can tell me everything." Kate explained, and they left the mansion.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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In The Night..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ