Eternia stories chapter one: Pandora

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"We're heading to Abyss." King molly announced. "Why are we going there Kimono asked. "There's been said to have been trouble there recently and that's your department isn't it." He told his youngest child Kimono. "Yea, we should go then." She agreed.
When they got there someone was being chased by angels. He passed by Kimono and everything went slow for a second as they turned their heads to look at one another. Than by accident one of the angels chasing him had hit Kimono's shoulder. "Agh." She said hurt but calm. The man stopped running for a second and looked at her, making sure she was okay before he left. "We are deeply sorry, your highness." The angel apologized. "It's okay, you did not mean any harm." Kimono told them. "But who was that man." She asked them. "No one you should be concerned about. He is a sinner." The angel Michael came forth and told her. "But I should be concerned, shouldn't I. After all he is from the Abyss, isn't he?" She asked them. "Yes, but he is able to travel between the world outside, the heavens, the hells, as well as the Abyss." Michael told her. "He has done a great wrong. So please allow us to deal with it and punish him as he deserves." Michael said taking his leave.
The next day as princess kimono was on a walk the angels and that man had showed up once more. The angels were shooting rapidly and recklessly and had almost hit her on multiple accounts. The man had grabbed her hand and ran. They got to safety then he led her to where he was staying. "You shouldn't have gotten involved in this." He told her putting his hand on her bandaged shoulder. "I'm sorry." He says with an anguished face holding to her bandaged shoulder tightly. "Your a citizen of the Abyss right?" She asked him. "Yes, but I wasn't always." He told her. "What is your name?" She asked him. "My name? Pandora. Why are you so calm?" He asked her. "Aren't you scared of me?" He asked her. "Should I be?" She asked him back. "I'm wanted." He told her. "So." She said. "I'm princess of the abyss therefore it is my duty to be of service to all Abyssians, including yourself." She told him. "Princess huh. What's your name.?" He asked. "Huh?" She replied not hearing his question. "You seem wise for your age." He said. Dropping the question he had asked before. "Thank you." She laughed. "Well you must be going you can't stay here." Pandora tells her. "Yea. For now." She says turning to leave. "Kimono." She says. "Huh?" He asks wondering what she means by saying that word. "My name. Its Kimono." She tells him leaving. "Princess Kimono, huh? I'll remember that." Pandora says aloud to himself. Ever since than she comes to visit him everyday. Only for him to be distant every time. But Kimono is determined to become friends with this strange man.
"Your here again." Pandora said to her. "What's with that tone." She she said annoyed. He smiled. "Haha!" He started laughing. "Tch." She made a sound showing her annoyance. "Take a seat." He said to her Patting on the floor next to him. "He he." She giggled. "You come here everyday aren't you getting tired of me?" He asked her smiling. "Not at all. I would never." She told him. Hours pass than she goes home. (The same routine for a while now).
The next day The angels find out about them seeing each other. "You are forbidden from coming near him again." Michael told her. "You can't do that!" Kimono yelled at him. Them the angels locked her in her room. "What are you going to do." Her mother, queen Kimiko asked Michael. "We will purify her by erasing her memories of him." Michael told her. "But why?" Molly asked them. "Because he taints all he touches. The only way to save her from this is to never allow her near him again. Besides she's gotten protective of him." The archangel Michael said. "Nothing more than that?" Himawari asked sensing that was not all. "Before we erase her memory we will use her to get to him. I'm sorry." Michael said. "Until than do not let her out of her room." He asked of them. "Yes." Her older brother Mizune replied. "Let me out! Let me out of here! Kimono shouted pounding on the door. " Pandora." She let out his name slumping to the ground. "Don't worry soon enough you'll forget all about him." Michael said from the other side of the door.
Its been four days and Kimono hadn't come to see Pandora. He was getting frantic."has something happened to her because of me." He said aloud. "Oh my don't tell me your actually worried about someone?" Michael said coming out of nowhere and asking him. "Leave her out of this. Not another one. I'll stay away from her. Just please don't erase me from her memories." He begged. He really did like Kimono. "No. She will be different. She will be punished because she knew of the consequences and continued to conspire with you anyway." Michael told him of Kimono's fate. "Why? You only hate me right? So why hurt everyone I come into contact with! Everyone I love!" He screamed at Michael. "Hm." The angel hummed. Michael just smiled and left. Pandora set out to find Kimono and help her. Because he had started to care.
Pandora had set off to find where Kimono. Meanwhile in Kimono's room they are ready. "Let's go." The angel told her grabbing her hand forcefully. "Let me go. I won't go anywhere with you. I won't forget!" She yelled at Michael. "He looked into her eyes and used his power of command/suggestion. "Sleep." He commanded her. She then fell slump onto his arms asleep. "Now let's go and give you your divine punishment. Little one." He said aloud looking at her limo body.
Pandora finally found out where Kimono was staying and went up to her window and climbed in. She wasn't there. "Where is she?" He asked aloud. "Your too late. They took her to get divine punishment already." Kimono's older brother Himawari told him. "No!" Pandora yelled hitting a fist to the floor breaking it slightly. "She is in the middle of the forest. Everyone's gathering there to pray for her." Himawari told him. "Thank you." Pandora said leaving. Leaping out of the window onto the ground and running towards the forest. By the time her got there their was already many people there. 'How could they just stand idly by as she suffers.' He thought to himself.
"Ah It seems our special guest has arrived. He is the demon who has done this to this poor girl. Look at the dark energy emitting from her." Michael told everyone gathered. They looked at Kimono's sleeping limp body floating in the air and the dark energy emitting from it. "No! Impossible! I didn't! It wasn't me! Pandora yelled. " we will now attempt to purify her and give her divine punishment. Michael proclaimed. "Awaken. So we may help you poor soul." He commanded her. With that she opened her eyes. "Ung! Agh!" She screamed in pain just noticing the dark energy in her. "Kimono!" Pandora yelled. "Don't go near her!" Michael commanded him sending warriors to keep him busy. "Now to save your soul." Michael says. A purple light comes from his hands and upon Kimono. "No!" Pandora yelled. The Eternia family could do nothing. After a while the ceremony stopped and Michael put Kimono on the ground.
"Kimono! Wake up!" Pandora yelled. Himawari walked towards them and picked her up and she woke up. But she was slurred Pandora took her from Himawari's hands. "Kimono!" He said her name. She opened her eyes. "Who? Ung." She couldn't get the words out of her mouth and fell back asleep. But Pandora knew all to well she's forgotten him. He gave her back to Himawari. He began to oppose Michael once and for all. "Your done. I won't forgive you this time! Pandora told him. They began to fight.
Michael restricted Pandora. Then Kimono woke up because of Pandora's scream. " who?" She asked not recognizing the scream. "Pandora!" She yelled running up to him. "You remember me." He said happily. "Of course I do. I can't forget Noe that I've met you. Your just way too interesting." She told him. Michael attacked both of them. Pandora's eyes opened wide with fear. He broke the restriction and picked Kimono up bridal style. Then moved her out of harms way. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "Yea, I'm fine." She assured him. "Since you refuse to allow us to cleanse you we'll get rid of both of you." Michale told them. "Kimono!" Kimiko yelled. Pandora put his hand out in front of kimono showing that he was intent on protecting her. "No! We fight together." She said grabbing his hand and shoving it aside, standing beside him. "Right." He said. They got in a fighting position. Pandora swung kimono at the enemy and she attacked them with her feet. They attacked the angels together. But then Himawari went in the middle of them. "Lord Himawari, are you to oppose us as well?" Michael asked him. "No comment." Himawari said refusing to respond. He came up to kimono. "Big brother." Kimono said. Himawari then punched her in the stomach causing her to faint in his arms. "Him a...wari." She said as she fell limp in his arms. "Why would you do that!" Pandora yelled at him. "Listen I have no intention of letting you near my sister if you do this. I refuse to ever let her spill blood." Himawari told him.
"Agh!" Pandora screamed ad he was attacked as soon as Himawari walked away. Himawari put the sleeping Kimono on the floor. Pandora was left to fight on his own. He was attacked by four angels at once, and was restricted again. Just as he was about to be struck by a light coming from Michaels hands. Kimono woke up and jumped in front of him. She was pierced by Michael's light. "Ung." She moaned in pain as she fell backwards onto the ground. "Kimono!" Pandora yelled as he went to help her up. "Ugh." She winced, but she opened her eyes. "Your okay, I'm glad." He told her, but she was unresponsive. Her blind yet golden eyes were glazed over and motionless. "Kimono! Kimono what's wrong!" Pandora panicked. "Her soul is slowly becoming happier, satisfied, gone. Its called ecstasy. Michael told him. "You mean, She's becoming a puppet for heaven." Pandora said. "More or less, an angel." Michael corrected him. "So you are no longer allowed to touch her." Michael told him. Than her body emitted a light that shocked Pandora. He let her go. "No!" He shouted as her body slowly flew away. "I knew you weren't religious or faithful so it wouldn't have worked on you. But I knew if I tried while you couldn't fight back, she'd save you. Although I didn't count on lord Himawari doing what he did. Michael admitted. But Pandora refused to give up. He pulled Kimono's hand and pulled her down then he pressed his lips against hers. Just than they were connected by the strings of fate. A circle appeared under them kimono had winged Pandora. He had become her shikigami. Kimono once again opened her eyes. " I love you." He said not noticing that had woken up. "Pandora!" Kimono yelled. "Your okay." Pandora said relieved. "Yea. Thanks to you. You snapped me out of it." Kimono said thanking him. "He defiled you and yet you stand by him?" Michael asked her. "Your the one who did that. Don't lie. You put darkness in my heart just to get to Pandora. That's an all time low. Even for you!" Kimono yelled at Michael and his angels. "This is my land! I will decide what I do!" She said. "Fine then. We will leave you be, but Pandora protect this friend you've made. Michael told him happy for Pandora yet not willing to admit it. " I will." Pandora replied hugging Kimono, and knowing full well how Michael is thinking at the moment. "Pandora you." Kimono started. "It was at the spurs of them moment sorry." He apologized. "It doesn't matter. Let's go home." She said. "Home. Yea!" Pandora said. Ever since then they have been together.

(This is just one chapter of many let me explain a few things. When you wing someone it means to become bound by fate and usually makes a kiss happen. Or have to happen. I used the word shikigami to mean these winged people. You'll get it if you keep reading. Hopefully. And please don't just like it and say nothing to me. I want your input please. I don't have a lot of confidence and I could really use it.)

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