Sands of Time: Grains of Inspiration (Poetry)

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A/N: If you have never seen sand art before, it is truly amazing and I can watch the same video thousands of times and it never gets old! Please watch the youtube video at the right-hand side before and/or after you have read my poem to fully understand it. 

"Imagine all the people living life in peace...You may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one.

I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one..." --John Lennon

Serene Serenity 

I close my eyes

Tick tock goes the clock

Twisting and turning restlessly

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep

Grazing happily in the pasture

Without any worry

While the bald eagle

With a wing span greater than the condor’s

Overlooks the herd

Ready to dig talons into the earth

And wreak havoc on the world

Leaving destruction in its wake

If only I could say a quick “hello”

To my friend Roy G. Biv

An omen of promise

Then our brightest star

Can win hide and seek with the clouds

Emitting powerful rays of sunlight

Meanwhile, a whirlwind envelops all spirits

Blowing on dandelion seeds nestled in my palm

Hoping for a better tomorrow

Where our planet spins smoothly on its axis

And we witness a dove passing by

Holding nothing but an olive branch

A simple, yet magical sight

Just imagine

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2011 ⏰

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