Chapter 41

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LEXI POV: It was finally prom day! I really wish I was going with Jc. I walked down stairs to Jc and Maadison. "Hey" He said and came and sat next to me. "Hey JC" I said in a happy tone. "Why are you so happy?" He asked and chuckled. "Its prom day.. DUH" I said. "OH OK" He practically yelled in my ear. "Come here babe" Madison said to Jc. "UGH" He got up and sat next to her. I could feel him staring at me. "Can you not eye rape me please" I said as I laughed and walked away. "ITS PROM DAY ITS PROM DAY ITS PROMMMMM DAY!" I heard Summer singing coming down the stairs. I always thought she hated Prom. She is probably excited because school is almost over. "Hey Lexiiiiiii" She said as she walked into the kitchen in Kians back. I turned around and had to take in what im seeing. "Are you guys back together?" I asked. The looked at each other and said yeah at the same time. "OMG YAY YOU GUYS ARE LIKE GOALS" I said as I walked out. 'So you guys going together?" I asked. "Yup" Kian said popping the P. "Cool Cool I said in response.

5 HOURS LATER: I finally got my hair done.. The boys are ready but the girls are not. Madison walked out in her dress. And wow. "Nice dress Madison" I said trying not to sound rude. " I know right" She said moving it around. Madison and Summer were sitting on the bed waiting for me to put on my dress so they can see me. I put it on and looked in the mirror and wow I actually looked good. I walked out of the bathroom. And they just looked at me. "YOU LOOK SEXY" Summer said. I just laughed. "Yeah your look pretty.. If i were a boy I would date you." Madison said. Summer and I looked at Madison shocked beacuse she actually complimented someone and not herself..

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