Into the Woods

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The next day at school she was there, just as I assumed she would. Her friends surrounded her but as soon as they moved she was revealed and the first thing I noticed her hair. No longer her hair a dark, calming brown but magnificent blue, sparkling green and brilliant purple with a hint of soft pink here and there.
Caught up in her beauty I walked up to her saying hello without realizing.
"Hey," my voice cracked, furiously blushing I cleared my voice and laughed softly at my own humiliating awkwardness.
"Hi," her voice fluttered out as soft and silky as butterfly wings.
"I'm Zerrom......I think I'm in your art class" I leaned against the locker chuckling and rubbed my hand on the back of my head.
"Yeah, I'm also in your science, math and history class...." She trailed off looking me up and down.
"Ummm.....I was just wondering if....maybe you wanted to be my Science partner," I stuttered out the words and looked away.
She hesitated for a moment considering something then nodded.  Something shimmered in her eyes and she smirked stepping in close and ran her hand along my face.  "I was going to ask Rachel to be my partner.....but," she leaned in close so I could feel the warm breath on my face, "we could have more fun."
I stepped back and laughed awkwardly looking at all the red lockers lined up against the wall. I looked at all her friends who were giggling now.
Ruby, the pale girl with freckles and bright red hair, smiled excitedly, "I could help too," she tilted her to the side then made a face like she was thinking about something "you don't have to add my name though!"
"Me too," Sapphire, the tan girl with icey blue hair, piped in.
Amber, a girl with dark orange hair rolled her eyes, "We have a party tonight," she pulled out her phone checking something then looked Alexandrite in the eye, "We can't miss it! It's in the southern woods!"
"Why don't we bring Zerrom then," Alexandrite spook the words rolling off her tongue. She looked at Sapphire who brushed a piece of hair out of her face and shrugged while Ruby bounced up and down gleefully and held up her keys.
"Let's go now," Ruby pleaded to Alexandrite who seemed unimpressed, "Please, please, please!"
Alexandrite rolled her eyes as she laughed, "Fine, lets go!"
"Ummmm, I never agreed to going...." I waved slightly hoping to get their attention, "I don't think we should skip school!"
Alexandrite turned back to me, "Hey, it's fine! You're with us now....besides it's deep within the forest.....I highly doubt you'll run into your mom there."
Ruby stopped bouncing and began to pout, "C'mon Zerrom, you seem like lots of fun."
Sapphire blue eyes sparkled as she leaned against the locker, "Just think, this could get you in with our crowd kid."
I hesitated for a moment looking at all three of them and the rest of their crowd, "Fine," I smiled, "I'm up for some fun!" Ruby smiled brightly then wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me. I hug her back and lift her up so she doesn't have to reach, I have to admit it was pretty awkward at first but Ruby was one of those people who you knew would be there for you.......the optimistic one who would show you the way when you were lost.
Ruby pulled away and held her keys high in the air, "I call driving!" She exclaimed excitedly before grabbing my hand and dragging me to her car with everyone following. I got in the front and buckled up, everyone loaded in slowly then Ruby drove off.


     A/N- Sorry for such a long chapter and the long wait, next update in the near future! :)

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