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We finally stopped in the woods and were greeted by several other girls that I didn't recognize.
"Wow who is she?" I gasped looking at someone in the distance.
"That's Black Diamond," Ruby chimed in, "we call her Pluto though because she's smaller and more far out then then the rest of us."
Amber looked at with me with harsh eyes, "Don't call her that, unless you want to get your throat slit."
A smirk twitched at the corner of Sapphire's mouth, "The name's reserved for close friends."
I laughed softly, each of these girls beautiful in their won unique way and they let me of all people tag along. Amber with her dark brown skin, soft orange hair and eyes hinting at a kind heart she keeps to those close, Sapphire with her tan skin, icy blue hair and eyes possibly revealing to a deep affection or brokenness within her, Ruby and her pale skin, blazing red hair and eyes showing that she'd always be there to fight for her friends and then there's Alexandrite, pale, soft skin and shimmering hair that was blue, green, purple and pink, she was a leader, always there for everyone.
"So is this the party?" I asked as we all got out of the car. As soon as we got out of the car the smell of forest surrounded me, the area was beautiful, green and brown evergreens towered around us blocking out most light. The area was surprisingly lit with colourful lanterns strung all around, there was even a bar, it looked fun.
     "Yep, and don't worry, there's no alcohol at the bar," Ruby said with a smile, she twirled her hair around her finger nervously, "Hey, Zerrom."
     "Yeah Ruby" I questioned turning towards her.
     "Do you think maybe," She played with her fingers, looking down nervously, "W-we could dance when the music comes on?" Her cheeks were tinted red and her hands were shaking as she waited for my response.
I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes, "I'd love to dance with you," I smiled brightly and pulled her into a hug. Ruby hugged me back then pulled away and smiled at me, "You're so cute" I boop her nose and she turn bright red. I laugh and look around and catch Sapphire staring hard and cold at Ruby, something must've happened and I don't want to get in between that.
"Zerrom can you wait here for a second," she smiled then began to walk towards Sapphire and get into a seemingly heated argument.
     Respecting Ruby and Sapphire's space I looked the other way and walked off.


A/N - i'll be posting more often :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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