Chapter 2

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This "auction" ended soon after my selling to this psychopath that's sitting beside me. He ushered me to his fûcking limo and sat me down on the seat, once again, right next to him. I was still glaring at him with upmost hate and him grinning at me. The limo ride was short and silent, which I didn't really mind. The limos windows were tinted and I really had no idea if it was still night or not. I'm guessing not. It was around 2:45am before I woke up then was sold to this guy.
The man driving the limo stopped the car and opened the door for us. I stepped out first and I was right! It was indeed day time, around noon I think. Then 'he' stepped out. The sunlight illuminating his features. DAMN! Why? Why did he have to be a good looking psychopath? He was tall, when I say tall I mean around 6'3" if I took a guess. He had dark chocolate brown hair and deep green eyes. I could tell he had a nice body and damn! That jaw line was on point! Honestly if he didn't just buy me at a illegal auction, I would have a major crush on him. Though I need to stay strong! You can to it Cassy!
"Like what you see darling?" Shît! He noticed. "I'm not sure what you're talking about" I try to sound innocent but he can see right through me. "Sure you don't. Follow me" he led me to the entrance and opened the huge white doors with gold detail on them. "Welcome to my home, pet" my eyes wondered around the entrance. It's huge! The spiral stair case! The red carpet! The expensive paintings! It was beautiful. I turn around to look at Mr. Whats his face, but he was three meters away from me. "I said follow me" he turns back slightly agitated. "Oh right" I frantically try to catch up with him. We turn walk for what seems like forever when finally stops. Quite abruptly because I bump into him. "Sorry!" "Please watch where you're going." Ugh. I hate him already. "This will be your room, say in here until someone comes to get you for dinner. Do not leave!" "Alright, alright I will" geez controlling much.
I enter the room and wow it's really nice. Much nicer than my room at the apartment, I mean that place was a dump. This room his a king sized bed that has a canopy above it, it's own bathroom, a sitting area, a beautiful wardrobe, and finally my favorite part a bookshelf full of books! I'm brought out of my daze when I hear a knock at the door. "May I come in?" I gentile female voice asks. "Umm ya sure, the door is open" she walks in. "I'm here to get you ready for dinner miss" food! Yes, I'm starving! Wait. Get ready? "What do you mean by get ready?" "Well, the master wants you to look presentable." What? Why? I walk over to a mirror and realize my makeup is melting down my face and I am still only wear black strips as clothing. I guess getting cleaned up won't be bad. "Oh, alright"
She brings me to the washroom to remove my makeup. Normally I would have done it myself but I feel quite hungover right now so, I don't mind. She tells me to stay right here and she will get my outfit. Looking in the mirror without makeup really did make me cringe, I hate looking at myself. I really do. Mary, also known as the maid walks back into the washroom. "Here is your outfit for tonight miss, Mr. Vansteign picked it out himself" I take a look at it for a moment. Wait. What the actual fûck! What is that! That's definitely not better than what I'm wearing! It's a baby pink bra with black lace on it and matching underwear! What even!! "Oh my! I almost forgot the knee high socks and the matching collar" she rushes into my room then immediately comes back with those items. The socks are plain black and the collar is the same pink on the "outfit." "I know that you're just following orders but there is no way in hell I'm wearing that!" She seemed pretty calm when I said this surprising enough but I was most definitely not calm. "Miss please the master specificity asked for this outfit" " that is not a outfit! It's fûcking underwear! Do you really think I would wear that! Are you crazy?!?" I'm hyperventilating. "Miss please. If you don't I'll be fired. I need this job! Now please wear the outfit." I look at her still pretty angry but after almost 20 minutes of arguing back and forth I'm ready to give up. Plus I wouldn't really want her to get fired but why this outfit of everything? This guy must be a real pervert. "Fine Mary, I'll wear it" I pout as if I'm a five year old.
After changing into the underwear, Mary did my makeup and she was a wizard with makeup. After she deemed me presentable she told me to wait right where I was standing to let the "master" know that I was ready. I sat there for only a moment before she came back in to lead me to the dinning room. Good thing she did lead me there because let me tell you this place was a maze! Anyways, I'm feeling very vulnerable and like I needed a sweat shirt or something to cover up. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I could only imagine the look on Cory's face if he saw me in this situation. Ew. Don't think of that asshöle. Bad Cassandra. "Took you long enough, pet" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by his deep voice. I simply glare at him. "Oh sweetheart don't look at me like that. Anyhow you look stunning in the outfit I chose" he gave me a playful wink. "I would hardly call it a outfit." I grit out of my teeth.
"That's not way to talk to your master, pet." "You can't tell me what to do! Stop calling me your fûcking pet! I'm not one. I'm a person! And guess what asshöle, you can't own a person!" I'm screaming at him quite loudly. "It seems I really do need to train you. Though your attitude is entertaining, I'm sure that it will get old fast. Now, sit down and eat like a good girl" I can see slight agitation in his eyes. "Like hêll I will. I'm not your Barbie doll, you can't control what I do!" I can feel steam radiating from me. This person is insane! I need to go home! I have to tell everyone I'm alright. They're probably worried sick. What do I do? Before I know it I'm crying. Stop it now Cassy! Not in front of a guy like him! "I realize your upset darling but I think you'll come to enjoy this place. Trust me." He smiles almost genuinely but I can still tell it's not quite real. "I doubt it." "Just you wait and see" the devilish grin is back. Well that's not a good sign.
Well umm I realize it's short, again, but I can promise you this story will be exciting so please continue reading! I've been working on this for this last week and a half and plan on trying to make a new chapter every two weeks.

The Gentlemen's Pet.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя