Chapter one.

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Louis was 13 when he found out he could get pregnant. There's two ways a guy can get pregnant in this world, and that is getting surgery to add "women" parts, or just being born like it. Honestly Louis was weirded out by what the nurse said when he was thirteen, since 1/100 people are born like it.
The doctors appointment went a little like this:

Three years earlier

"Mom! I told you I don't care if I could get pregnant! This is ridiculous."

"Louis please just listen to me okay? You might not care but I do."

Louis and his mom were on the way to see the doctor to see if Louis had the gift of being able to get pregnant. 1/100 boys in this this world are able to get pregnant, and finding out Louis is one of them would probably be the best thing to ever happen.
Louis' mom was so anxious in finding this out because she was almost 100% sure her son was gay, and she was perfectly fine with it since she grew up having a gay brother, who she loved dearly.

"Why do you care if I could get pregnant? It's not like I'm going to." Louis sighed.

"Just because, now stop arguing with me."

Louis stayed quiet after that, because when Louis' mom got mad it wasn't pretty. It's not like she would hurt him or anything but she would definitely yell. One time Louis was out with his friends and came home 10 minutes past his curfew, and his mom yelled so loud he's sure the neighbours could hear, and then she grounded him for a month, later on asking if he was doing drugs with his friends.
Some people would say his mom was crazy but the thing is, she's not. Louis' mom is just protective and cares about him a lot.

"We're almost there!!" Louis mom squealed excitedly, "are you excited?"

Louis sighed over dramatically, "no mom I told you a million times that I do not care, like at all"

"But Louis, what if one day you decide to settle down and have baby's? Wouldn't it be nice to know if you're able to do that at a young age?"

"Mom I'm straight! I'm not going to get pregnant!"

Louis mom sighed and turned into the parking lot. Louis and his mom got out of the car and Louis slammed his door earning a glare from his mom.

"Louis I don't know what your problem with this is. If you don't want to get pregnant then fine, don't, but wouldn't it be nice to know if you have the gift?"

"I guess" Louis whispered.

Louis and his mom walked in and took a seat in the waiting room, waiting for his name to be called.
10 minutes went past when a blonde short lady called his name. "Louis Tomlinson, the doctor is ready to see you."

Louis and his mom stood up from their seats and Louis sent her a glare, "I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own."

His mom sent a warning look but sat back down anyway.

Louis walked in and not long after the doctor showed up, her name was Zendaya, she didn't like it when people called her by her last name.

"So Louis, how are you?" She asked smiling sweetly, and if Louis was being completely honest, he had a small crush on her.

"I'm fine, mom just wanted me to come here to see if I could get pregnant or something, I don't know." Louis shrugged his shoulders. He's always so shy around Zendaya.

Zendaya smiled at Louis and told him to lay down on the hospital bed that was there, Louis did as told.

"Okay, so what I'm going to do is give you an ultrasound"

"Isn't ultrasounds to see if someone is pregnant though?" Louis asked. He wasn't always that bright.

Zendaya giggled but replied seconds later, "yes, but in this case it's to see if someone could get pregnant."

Louis nodded his head and let Zendaya do whatever the hell she was suppose to be doing.

"I'm just going to put some of this on you're stomach. It may be cold so be prepared" Zendaya laughed, motioning for Louis to lift up his shirt.

Zendaya applied the stuff and began the ultrasound. Her eyes widened and she had a shocked look on her face. She kept moving the thing that was on his stomach around almost like she was making sure what she was seeing was right.

"What is it?" Louis asked confused.

"Louis... You could get pregnant. I can't believe this, you have no idea how lucky you are." Zendaya smiled wider than Louis has ever seen her smile before. Why is she so happy about this? Louis is not going to get pregnant!

"That's weird." Louis said truthfully.

"No Louis, it's a gift"

"Oh my god! Why does everyone keep saying that?" Louis groaned in frustration.

"Because it's true. I'll let you go now so you can go tell your mother, bye Louis"

Louis smiled and said goodbye to Zendaya and made his way out to the waiting room.

Louis' mom eagerly jumped out of her seat and walked up to Louis, "what did she say? Can you get pregnant?"

Louis sighed but couldn't hold back the smile that managed to escape, "yeah, yeah I can"

Louis' mom pulled Louis into a tight hug and then began walking out the door, one arm around his shoulders.

"I can't believe it, this is so amazing." Louis' mom squeaked.

"I can't either." Louis whispered so lowly his mom didn't even hear it.

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