Chapter 2 - What is it?

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Nathan stayed up the whole night thinking about what Rachel's secret could be. He knew she was hiding something, he just didn't understand why she wouldn't tell him, he told her everything.

Rachel and Ellie were up and Rachel was sitting on the sofa starring at Ellie. Nathan walked out of his room and saw Rachel starring at Ellie which he found odd because usually they would be arguing but no Rachel was quiet and so was Ellie. "morning girls... you both alright?" Rachel didn't reply, she didn't even hear him. "Morning, yeah I'm fine" Ellie replied making her cereal. Nathan looked at Rachel who was still starring at Ellie, "have you and Rachel argued or something?" Nathan whispered to Ellie and she looked at him strangely "apart from the fact she used up all my conditioner, no, why you asking that?"  suspicion was growing more on Nathan.

Later on Nathan and the girls were getting ready to go out. Rachel was excited to get drunk so she could tell Nathan and Ellie her secret. She knew she didn't have the guts to tell them while she was sober. Rachel and Ellie walked out of their rooms, Rachel wearing a black tight dress with balck heels, Ellie wearing a royal blue dress with black heels and both with curled hair looking amazing. Nathan was wearing a black shirt and jeans. so they all walked to the loft and as soon as they got there, they got the drinks and hit the dance floor. They were all dancing together and drinking and by the time they knew it they were drunk.

They were all drunk but they knew what they were doing. Nathan was chatting to a girl and Ellie and Rachel were getting really close. Rachel was enjoying the night and so were Ellie and Nathan. "I'll be back in one minuet, I'm just gonna go top up my make up" She told Ellie as she walked into the toilets. Rachel couldn't stop thinking to her self whether telling them was the right thing to do, what if they stopped talking to her all these thoughts kept going through her head until Nathan walked into the girls toilets. "you, what's going on, you are always staring at Ellie, what's going on between you girls?" Rachel didn't know what to do or say, maybe this was the time to tell him...

Hollyoaks - Ellie Nightingale and Rachel Hardy - Something unexpectedWhere stories live. Discover now