
16 2 1

You're good for me
He's bad for me
But at times
I feel like you're both
Hazards to my heart
I feel like i should choose
The right one from one of you
And still i feel like i should push you both away
But when one goes
He goes with a part of me

The bad one
He defends his heart with his coldness
And numbs himself from all feeling
He's refreshing
An adventure
A thrill
This ain't an unpleasant feeling
I try to get to him
Time and again
But it seems like
I'm just a toy
Meant for mere amusement
And my heart breaks
But i refuse to crumble

The good one
A perfect gentleman
A sweet person
Takes my feelings into consideration
Never hurts me
At least not intentionally
But i can't feel something
Even a mere spark of excitement
For this good lad
I don't want to hurt
A gentleman's heart
But i guess i have to
Because I feel nothing for him...

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