Chapter Four

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  You slowly get up and cautiously open the door right as your mother barges in. She closes the door and locks it. Breathing heavily. "Y/N they're here to get you. Listen to me. Run and don't look back. Jump out the window. You have super speed. Use it. Now go!" She yelled pushing you forward. You feared you wouldn't see her again but, she was your mother. She could handle herself. Walking up to the window you jumped and landed on your feet, crouched low to the ground. Quickly pulling yourself up you heard groans in frustration. You decided to test this "Super-Speed" you supposedly had. You started running and you felt your speed picking up. In seconds you were to the woods in your backyard. You heard shouts from your house. You needed to escape. Dashing through the woods, dodging trees and rocks was your new challenge. It was really easy because time seemed to slow down. Reaching a clearing, you turned around. You noticed a street with tiny shops and buildings. You headed that way. Dreading what you would find there.

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