Ch. 1

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Looking around, the first thing that caught my attention was the smell of baked bread. Food- it is truly an evil temptation.  Before coming to this little village, I'd only brought with me a few bits of a beef jerky for the road. However, now in the late afternoon, my hunger was growing into a fierce beast. Cringing, I grabbed my purse and slowly loosened the leather strings. 

Just as I thought, the only things that remained was a few specks of dust. 

"Great......just when I needed you, you let me down," I whimpered, staring at it as if money could appear in the purse at any moment. With such a low income, my next move would have to be getting a job.  Where to start.....

Trying to look through the thick crowds of villagers, my eyes fell upon the bakery. Stupid hunger, now wasn't the time for eating! Directing my attention elsewhere, my eyes found themselves locked on a small inn. It was a sturdy looking building with two large windows on the second floor. The front entrance was a large doorway, that matched well with the wooden exterior. Just in front of the inn, there was a large sign that read, "The Ol' Maiden" in fancy, black letters.  

Yes, here was the place that I would try working! Quicky I walked towards it, brushing past a group of elderly women who gave me dirty looks. Thier hair was just as white as their complexions, and the image made me think of those stories of ancient vampires that creep out of dark alley corners. Just to push my luck, I faced them and made a cross with my hands.

"Back foul demons. Begone! " I said, dramatical shouting the last part. The leader of the group, a women sagging in all the wrong places, quickly started to approach. 

"Why I never!" She growled in outrage, much to my amusement.   

"I'm sorry ma'am, but if the shoe fits...." I said, running away before she could grab me. While traveling, it can get lonely being  alone. Besides, right now I don't want anyone finding out my true identity. For the lack of words, I guess you could just say that my life has always been a "little" complicated. 

Entering the inn, I was surprised to see that it was just as cozy as it had looked from the inside. A large fireplace rested towards the right side of the room, right next to many large tables already occupied by a hand-full of quests. Towards the farthest wall there was a large desk, that was made out of hardy wood, and was covered in a large book of what I could only presume to be guests' names. To the left of me there was a large staircase that ascended to the second level, that stopped next to a little bar area where a bartender quickly passed out pints of beer. 

He was a strong looking guy, most likely pushing 6'3, with pulled back hair and dark eyes. His attire consisted of a black shirt and brown leather apron.  Shyly, I made my way over to him and tried to get his attention.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know if I can get a job here?" I asked. 

"Hello there, little lady. A job, you say?'d have to ask the owner of this place. He's over there entertaining the guests, just ask for Max," he smiled, gesturing towards a big crowd of people over by the dining tables.

"Thank you, urm.." 

"My names James, most just call me Ol' J,"  he finishes, finishing another order. 

"Alright. Thank you, Ol' J," I smiled, grateful for his help. 

Following his directions, I tried to speak over the crowd, "Excuse me, can I speak to Max?" 

A blonde, well dressed man, looked towards me with a pint halfway to his lips. His loose hair was slicked back into a ponytail, a contrast to his carefree expression. 

"You have the one and only, little lady. How can I be of service?" Max asked, a smile finding a way on his face. 

"Sir, I was wondering if I could get a job here." 

"Hmm...have you ever worked at an inn before? Any work experience in serving?" 

Looking down sadly,  I said, "No, sir. But I'm willing to give it a try." 

Max looked at me with a crooked eyebrow, "How about this....I'll let you come in tonight and I'll have someone show you the ropes. If it works out then you got a job, if not I can't hire you. Deal?" 

Smiling, I nodded. "What time should I show up for my shift?"  

"Show up at around 7, I guess," Max answered. 

"Thank you, I'll be there," Leaving, I turned right and wandered down the street a little. It was getting chilly out now, and the crowds of people were starting to dwindle. This town wasn't so bad after all, but nothing could feel like home used to. Nothing would ever compare..... 

Roughly, I bumped into a large body and crashed my forehead with someone's chin. 

"Ouch!" I shouted, reaching up to cover it with my hands. 

"Hey, watch where you going next time!" the person shouted, rubbing his chin.

Wait a minute....I know that voice. Looking up, I saw familiar shaggy, brown hair and dark eyes. When our eyes connected, my breath was almost knocked out of me. Here was the face of a boy I'd not seen in seven years from I was but a child lonely in a world full of grown ups, a boy who I'd promised to never forget; none other than my old friend, Ruka.       


Heyo readers! I've decided to actually go a different route than I normally do. I want to try to get more into the fantasy type stuff, so please feel free to give out Comments and votes! This is actually my first book to test the waters in this genre. I really value y'all's opinions on this, so please, please, please, need feedback! 

                                                                         -Thanks from SoapBubble  ;)   



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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