fallin demin chapter 2

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As I was thinking I heard a little yawn I looked at the little girl that is laying in the bed and smiled she then looked at me and said who are you?? I looked at the little girl and said I can be anything you would like the little girl then smiled what your name I said it y/n what is yours? The girl looked at me and said I ..... don't know with a frown on her face looking down about to cry. Before she started to i hugged her and said why don't I give you a name if its alright with you if course the girl smiled and hugged me back saying YES please give me a name I thought about it for a little while before saying how about Laura. The girl smiled and hugged me more saying I love that name and can I call you mommy please I smiled and said yes now let start the bath and get clean clothes okay I said at Laura
~time skip~
After the bath you were looking in the dresser for something Laura can were you found a black dress with pink rose's on it and smiled remembering the time you were wherein it you then helped Laura in the dress once your were done you looked at the time and yawned you herd a little one to Laura mommy can we take a nap rubbing her eyes I then said yes we can come one get in bed dearie once Laura got dressed in a white p.j dress she was now laying in you were just about to walk out you heard Laura saying can you sleep with me I'm scared mommy please you smiled and walked back to the bed and said yes you lay next to Laura in bed her cuddling you as she was sleeping you smiled and watched her soon you fell asleep too

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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