Chapter 1

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I ran through the forest away from the darkness that would soon engulf my soul. I knew that if I ever stopped running that would be the end of me the end of my young seventeen years of being alive. I ran past every tree and jumped over every tree stump. I didn't want to be taken by the darkness. I stubbed my toe on a very large tree stump and fell hard onto the mossy forest floor. This is how I end like a cliché from a horror movie... I trip to my death. And the sound of a... Alarm clock...

I sat up fast opening my eyes and looking all everywhere. My heart beating a million miles a minute.

It was just a dream.

I banged my alarm clock to stop it from making that ungodly noise. I lazily drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom down the hall.

My dreams have never been like that before.

I turned in the shower and while waiting for the water to heat up I turned on some music on my phone. Halo by Beyoncé played while I jumped into the hot and steamy shower. I sang my heart out using the soap bar as my microphone.

After my jam session I went back into my room and began to search for the outfit that would share my feelings for the day.

After my room had been covered my a hurricane of clothes I found the perfect outfit for the day. I wore my navy blue crop top complimented by my black skinny jeans. I then compressed my feet into my navy blue shoes, I love matching clothes. It makes me happy like a sandwich.

"Scarlet!" I could hear my mother calling me to let me know that it was time for me to head out.

"I'm coming!" I called back. I grabbed my brush and headed to look in the mirror as I brushed my brown hair onto its natural straightness.

I threw the brush down and walked to the door grabbing my black purse along the way. I enjoy having my hair wet when I leave because it makes my hair look like waves.

"You look nice." My mother complimented as I walked into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

"Thanks." I say awkwardly. I don't like being complimented it makes me feel as if people are judging me, I know it's weird, it's just how I feel.

"Anyone your'e trying to impress?" My mom asks suspiciously.

"No I just want to look decent for school and not like a bum." I joke as I take a spoonful of Captain Crunch.

"You might as well look like a bum. The rest of the school does." My brother, Troy, states walking into the kitchen ready for his first day of his Sophomore year.

"That's true but unlike them I get dressed up for myself to be happy." I smile big knowing how happy I would be since I actually tried this morning.

"You guys should get going." Mom says looking at the time. school started in 10 minutes.

"Okay, let's go." I nod to my brother since I had finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink.

We walk out the house saying bye to our mother. I grab my keys from my purse and unlock the car for me and Troy. I jump in the driver's side and start the car. Once we're buckled and settled in I back out of the driveway and head to school which was only around the corner.

"Can we stop at the coffee shop?" My brother asks as I turn the corner out of our gated community.

"Sure, but I don't want to get out." I say driving to the coffee shop that was just a small detour from the school.

"That's fine. I know what you always get anyway. My treat." He smiles at me. He just got his first job at the coffee shop and I knew he really wanted to treat because his coffee is free anyway because of the employee discounts they offered as benefits.

I pulled into a parking spot outside of the coffee shop easily since it was 7 A.M and no one was going to really be there for another hour. Troy jumps out and runs inside for the coffee. I plug my phone into the AUX cord and play Tori Kelly's Unbreakable Smile Album. I sing along quietly while I patiently wait for Troy. The door to the coffee shop opens so I look expecting to see Troy but what I see isn't the dorky brother of mine. Instead it's Josh Monroe. My ex.

Of course he would be here. We had just ended our relationship a week ago because he had cheated on me. I don't hold a grudge anymore since I knew that's what he wanted from me at the beginning but of course I wasn't ready and he was so he found someone to satisfy his needs.

Josh spots me in the car and approaches the car with his coffee in his hands. I roll down the window and look at him.

"What's up Josh?" I ask giving him a friendly smile.

"How are you?" He blurts out not answering my question.

"I'm doing fantastic thanks to this weather." I say looking at the clear sky above.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He persists.

"Isn't that what I said?" I ask irritated.

I think he wants me to be upset so that he can come back in my life and comfort me. But I wouldn't give him the chance to do so.

"You didn't answer my text's last night." H says. I remember the text messages he had sent. But why would I bother to reply to him?

"I was busy." I wasn't busy I just didn't care to answer.

"With what?" He asks.

"None of your business." I say emotionless looking him dead in the eye to show how serious I was.

As if time was on my hands Troy then exits the coffee shop and enters the car.

"Okay I got to go." I say in a rush and begin to raise the window in Josh's face.

He's so freaking irritating. He cheated on me and now he wants me back? He needs to go somewhere else with his bullshit. I don't have time for him anymore. I'm focussing on bettering myself and focusing on school.

"You okay?" Troy asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah why?" I ask looking at him then back on the road.

"Because you're thinking out loud." H says. "You only do that when something really bothers you.

"Oh sorry." I apologize. "Yeah I'm fine it's just... You know... Josh." I say.

"I know." Troy looks at me sadly. I could tell because he got really quiet.

We pull into the school and I struggle to find parking under the solar panels that were recently built in the school's parking lot. I find one luckily a couple of rows away from the front of the school.

Finally, senior year can officially start.

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