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Sans and frisk go to MTT RESTAURANT (really I just don't remember the name :P) and eat food there. "why is the table cloth mettaton's face?" Frisk asked "I have absolutely no clue" sans said "probably because this is MTT RESTAURANT and MTT stands for mettaton" "true" frisk said "hey, let me tell you a story, so I'm a sentry in snowdin forest, right? I sit out there and watch for humans. It's kind of boring. Fortunately, deep in the forest . . . There's this HUGE looked door. And it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes. So one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual. I knock on the door and say 'knock knock.' And suddenly, from the other side. . . I hear a woman's voice. 'Who is there?' So, naturally, I respond: 'dishes.' 'Dishes who?' 'Dishes a very bad joke' then she howls with laughter. Like its the best joke she's heard in a hundred years. So I keep 'em coming, and she keeps laughing. She's the best audience I've ever had. Then, after a dozen of 'em, SHE knocks and says. . . 'Knock knock!' I say 'who's there?' 'Old lady!' 'Old lady who?' 'Oh I did not know you could yodel!' Wow. Needless to say, this woman was extremely good. We kept telling each other jokes for hours. Eventually, I had to leave. Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story. But she told me to come by again, and so I did. Then I did again. And again. It's a thing now. Telling bad jokes through the door. It rules. . . One day, though, I noticed she wasn't laughing very much. I asked her what was up. Then she told me something strange. 'If a human ever comes through this door. . . . . . Could you please, please, promise something? Watch over them, and protect them, will you not?' Now, I hate making promises. And this woman, I don't even know her name. But. . . Someone who sincerely likes bad jokes. . . Has an integrity you can't say 'no' to. Do you get what I'm saying? That promise I made to her. . . You know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything?. . . Buddy. . . . You'd be dead where you stand. Hey, lighten up, bucko! I'm just joken with ya. Besides, haven't I done a great job of protecting you?" Sans said "yeah you've done a wonderful job!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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