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The picture that you see here is one of the most uncommon monsters that we call blinders.

Okay this is going to sound corny but.

And together,


Smite tells people to call us that. He is always trying to be outgoing. Anyway the fearless four (we) are the group that goes around and slays the monsters for fun. Now these monsters aren't just some little chickens that you can just walk past.

They can grow from twenty to forty feet tall. Their limbs are about ten to eighteen feet wide and they can swallow about...I don't know...three humans whole.

They feed off of fear.

Their hearing is literally perfection and run faster than anything I've ever seen.

Except Jet of course.

When you turn eighteen you have to take a test called the MONSTER KILLING PLACEMENT TEST (MKPT).

If you don't pass the test the first time you have two more times to pass it before they decide your not worth anything and kill you.

No one in my group has taken it yet. The only one that is close to taking it is Hat. He's seventeen. Hopefully he passes it on his own.

But that's the thing, we all usually defeat monsters in a group.

That's the law.

We can't go anywhere without at least three more people. Yet they put us in this life threatening test alone and expect us to pass it.

It's just stupid.

But sometimes when me and my group go to illegal and banned places that have been shut down and abandoned. I tell us to split up and meet in a specific type of spot.

If you don't make it to that spot when the timer goes off. The group assumes your dead and goes back to the town without you.

I've lost a member before. It was a boy.

He was my boyfr-

He was my friend. I heard him scream when I was at the spot. We all waited two extra hours for him because I didn't want to leave him but.

We ended up leaving without him.

I think we can all pass the MKPT. But I don't know about Hat.

Let's test him.

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