15. Warning

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In the pic is Romeo^

Recap: "Yeah I knew it was you who I seen, Hey Faith Hey Sophia long time no see" A voice came from behind me sending an uneasy feeling down my spine.

I looked at my aunt as she looked behind me in disbelief.

It can't be

I slowly turned around and...
It was Romeo, My ex boyfriend.

I thought he moved

"ROMEO!" My aunt yelled walking more like running over to him giving him a big hug snapping me out of my thoughts
"How have you been? I thought you moved" my aunt said
"Yeah I did but my dad decided to move back" he said looking at me then back to my aunt

He's lying, I can see it all in his face

"Hey Sophia so I don't get a hug?" He asked
"Hey and no" I said with my mom still watching us which was also my cue to go now that I knew she was okay

I gave my mom a hug telling her I'll see her later then walked out the hospital
"Sophia!" I heard Romeo yell

I was trying to get to my car fast as possible but it didn't work because he caught up.
He grabbed my arm but I snatched it away turning towards him "What do you want!?" I yelled.

"Aye chill ma, I just wanted to see you. I really missed you after I moved" He replied

He is such a liar

"Bye Romeo I don't have time for your games" I said aggravated unlocking my car doors.

I got into my car but then Romeo went to the other side and got in "Can you give me a ride back home ma, please?" He asked with his beautiful hazel eyes.

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