To Boston we go!!!

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(Bee is now 5)
~Bee's POV~
"Bee! Bee!" Daddy yelled searching the house for me
"What is it daddy" I ask (baby voice)
"I need to tell you something!" He replied
"Did I get in trouble.....ha! Is it another note from mom!....are we out of Mountain Dew?" I asked
"No,no,and no..... We went to the store yesterday" he said
"THEN WHAT IS IT!!!!!!!" I yelled in excitement
"Stop yelling!" He scolded
"Sorry daddy" I said with my head down
"It's ok sweetie" he replied
"Tell me what it is!!!....... Please" I said
"Ok....... I'm going to a meet and greet....... And...... " he said
"And what!!!" I said with no paicence
"your coming with me!!!" He said excited
"YAY!!!!!!!!" I yelled " where is it where is it!!"
"Boston MA" he said super excited
" we're going across country!!" I said " your the best Daddy ever!!!!!!!!"
~3 hour time skip~
"I don't want to go on da pwane" I say scared
"It ok me go on pwane too!" Maison said excited
" but I afwai of heights!!" I say hiding my face
"It's ok Bee" Jess says " I'll sit next to you"
" tank you auntie Jess" I said
"No problem" she replied not caring that I called her auntie Jess
(Time skip to on the plane)
~Ross' POV~
I sat at the window seat with Bee in the middle and Jess on the other side
Across from us sat Barney, Aleasa , and Adam
Behind us sat Jin with Maison
Everyone was ok
"We have landed in Boston Masacuttes at Logan Airport" (I now my airports, deal with it!)
"Bee fell asleep..... Aw!" Wispered Jess
"You carry her , I'll get her carry-on bags!" I said
Jess picked up Bee and took her off the plane
When we got off the plane we started to go get our bags, when a wave of fans came crashing in
"I'll take the kids to get our bags" Aleasa said before the wave of fans came
We signed about a bijillian papers and posters and notebooks and even some peoples foreheads... Weird people
When I went to Aleasa, Maison, and Bee, Bee started checking my arms and legs and face and head
"Hehe.... Bee what are you doing" I asked laughing
"I'm checking to make sure you're not hurt" she replied
"I'm fine" I replied
I hope you guys liked this chapter!
If you have any suggestions post them in the comments below
Peace out my kittens!!

My new dad (adopted by House_owner) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now