Traveling to texas.

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Your name is John Egbert and today is the day that you go and see your friend.
You had taken a plane out to Texas and now your in a cab,
Outside of Dave's apartment.
Holy shit your terrified to go in.
But you somehow manage the courage to get out, pay the driver, and walk into the apartment complex.
Dave was on the- 500th floor?!?
You have a LOT of elevator time coming your way.
You sigh as you step in the elevator and press the 500th floor's button.
==> John, time skip to the 498th floor.
You are at the 498th floor and nervous
You the elevator then soon says in its very automated voice "500th floor."
The doors slowly open and You step out,
Soon you go up to the apartment door and knock,
"I'm Coming."
Is that what Dave's voice sounds like?
Your heart oddly enough skips a beat.
Soon the door opens and you look up from the piece of paper with Dave's information on it.
"Hello! My name is John, are you Dave?"
"yeah. Come on in br- holy shit."
You look up and notice he is staring into your eyes.
And you look back.

With Open Eyes// Johndave.Where stories live. Discover now