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Waffling Through Halloween

'Where are the backdrops?! Ladies and gentlemen, find them?!'

Pierre was running around frantically, screaming at anyone and everyone to find our backdrops. We had two hours more before we went on stage to act out our Halloween special:

Nightmare on Elm Street

It was actually a movie. There were two movies, one a remake of the other and we decided to act out the second movie with our own twists ofcourse. And obviously again I was the one who did the script but this time Ava and Janis helped me. Our cast list are as follows:

Freddy ~ Iraj

Female character ~ Ava

Female character ~ Janis

Female character ~ Natalie Torres

Female character ~ Regina

Male character ~ Alvin Moore

Male character ~ Theodore Bennet

Male character ~ Danush

Male character ~ Adam

'Found it!' Tiyara shouted from the stage room. It was where all the lighting and sound system was managed.

'Which idiot put them in here?' Pierre was furious.

When no one stepped forward Pierre got even more furious. However before he could explode Mrs.Priyani intervened.

'What's done is done Pierre. Let it go,' then she turned to us and said,'Those acting please go get ready and the rest of the crew set up the stage.'

Everyone obeyed her as she began to console Pierre. I looked around and found Natalie.


She jumped a little before turning around to face me.

'You got scared right?'

'Pfft. No.'

Liar. She totally did.

'Yeah right. I saw you jump slightly.'

'Oh that. I was just practicing my scene. You know where Freddy creeps up on me.'

'Natalie I wrote the script. There is no scene like that.'

There is definitely no script like that.

'You wrote the script along with Janis and Ava. There is a scene like that.'

'Whatever floats your boat.'

'What boat? We are not on a boat Alvin. Wake up.'

'No I meant...Urgh...leave it.' I grumbled.

'Leave what?' she grinned.

'The subject.'

'What subject?'

Urgh. This woman had a way of changing the topic. Its like when your surfing the internet. You go for one thing but end up doing something you never expect to do.

'The topic about boats.'

'Topic? You were just talking about subjects. I have no time for your lame games Alvin Moore.'

Before I could reply Ms.Dorothy gave out a warning call for all actors to change into our costumes.

'See ya later alligator.' sh said as she blew me a kiss and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. She was so annoying.

~Fate, Waffles & Muddles~

'So don't fall asleep.' Mr.Gomez ended our play as all the lights in our auditorium were switched off.

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