Chapter Five

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As they searched through dress after dress Lillyanna was exhausted apparently it was uncommon for a woman to wear jeans in Alladrian. She would certainly change that. Bit she must admit the dress was absolutely stunning. What she didn't think of was that she had no money.

"Damein" she called over to him as he was over by the men's attire.

"Yes" he replies striding over to her.

"How will i pay" she said embarrassed "I forgot i only have twenty dollars"

"I'll take care of it...we don;t use that kind of money here anyways"

"I don't want you to waste your money on me"

"I'm not we'll use your personal credit card given to you by the are a princess after all..we mix modern and traditional methods you see"

Lillyanna was lost in thought she barely registered he had continued walking without her. Her father was looking out for her, giving her money he was alot to take in. She planned to question Damein about him.

"Hey" Damein said shaking her out of her reverie. "you've got to keep up"

He was holding a stack of boxes. My new attire she thought. She noticed people watching them all. Looking at her in what must be strange clothes. Lillyanna watched as the lady at the cash register saw the name on the card.

Her eyes locked with Lillyanna's as she said "Its good to have you back princess." The crowd of onlookers all gasped when they heard that one word.

Suddenly the crowd started to part for a young man to come through to where we were standing. She was appalled when she saw who it was. It was her brother James. she ran to him nearly tripping. He enclosed her in a full on bear hug she couldn't believe she had forgotten about him, to see if he was even here. She was so overjoyed it brought tears to her eyes and to his as well . His eyes started misting. She drew back as she noticed his clothing he was wearing black jeans and a tight fitted shirt but above his waistband hung his sword. When could he have possibly gotten a sword and how would he even know how to use it. She stared up at him he was smiling down at her.

"How- how are you here ?"

"The same way you are..Eligh brought me back and unlike you i recognized him."

"Wait" she paused "you remember this place?"

"Yes we don't all have memory loss."

"Wait" Damein interjected "What is this i hear about memory loss?"

"Right" Lillyanna replied "you don't know...when i was little after we went to multiple foster homes i was sent to multiple therapists and shrinks i was labeled as a troubled child..but they brainwashed the memories out of me."

"What" Damein said looking a little startled "Will these memories return?"

"They already have started to come back i just have to concentrate and focus on bringing them back.""Try it now" James said.

Lillyanna focused hard on the thought of bringing back the memories. she thought so hard she was starting to give herself a headache. she exhaled as she had not realized she was holding her breath."Its no use nothings coming to me."

"I can help with that." Damein quietly stated "I happen to be an expert on focus."

"And how is that?" Lillyanna asked curiously

"You'll find out soon enough."

"What's with all the cryptic talk."

"That's for me to know."

"There it is again."

"Sorry it's just really only my business." He said with a note of finality ending the conversation.

Apparently being an ass runs in the family Lillyanna thought. She then got the dress boxes from Damein chewed on a splatter berry and prepared for the sensation it gives as you are teleporting.


Sitting on her bed Lillyanna reflected on her new life. She was just falling asleep when a knock sounded on the door.
"Come in." she called

.The door swung open and James walked in along with Alice. He was carrying a a dress it looked fresh from the dry cleaning. He tossed it at me. "Here" He said.

"What is this for?"

"No one told you ?"

"Told me what?"

"The ball in honor of our return."

"No i can't go to a ball i can't even dance."

" That is why Eligh is here to help."

Eligh stepped from behind the door where i had not seen him before.

"Oh no." i said "You are not putting me in the same room as him."

"Relax Lillyanna just a little fun."

Jerk she thought but did not respond not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her angry.

"Fine" she said through gritted teeth.

Eligh's grin stretched from ear to ear as he looked at her discomfort. It was like his life goal was to be mean to her. So she stalked out of the room following him down many hallways. He stopped in front of two of two huge oak wooden doors that stretched to the ceiling. When he stopped to open the door she gasped. The room was beautiful. So much space. On the ceiling hung crystal chandeliers . It screamed of wealth and taste. She saw a table set up for a radio. So i have to dance with him? Oh this is gonna be good. He must have seen the conniving glint in her eyes because he said,

"Whatever your planning don't even think about it."

"i'm not planning anything." She said sweetly.

He gave her a disbelieving look

."Of course your planning something your Lillyanna."

"I'm to reckless to plan anything."

"As i remember you were quite the planner when we were children."

"Well you clearly don't know me anymore" she said cruelly.

A hurt look passed over his face.

"Sorry." she said "lets just do this.


We danced through many hours. Eligh was a tremendous dance. Lillyanna wasn't so bad as long as he was leading . She returned to her room and threw herself down on the bed. Hopefully i won't have to lead she thought Eligh said I'll get better as time goes on. She was nervous though, tonight would be the first time she saw her father in years . With that discomforting thought she fell into a dreamless sleep.


And here it is the next chapter of Conflicted.. I'll be updating again ASAP.. It might not be as fast as you'd like sorry.. but I need you lovely people to comment your honest opinions. All opinions are respected and acknowledged but please do so in a respectful manner.... Cheers..
Best wishes with peace and love

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