Akane, Japan: The City of Sakura Blossoms

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A hand tugged on my blonde hair, and I turned around to face the person who did it.
"Yoshi!" I said angrily, turning and chasing the little boy around. And though I called him little, Yoshi was taller and broader than me.
"Mei-chan, can't catch me?" Yoshi taunted.
I grunted. "I can, but I don't want to." I admitted. We were both little children playing a pointless game. Why would I want to?
It was the first day of spring today. Our little city, Akane, was having the Sakura Festival today. Mama would want me home soon.
"Yoshi," I told the boy. "I need to go home and prepare for the festival!"
Before Yoshi could reply, I heard, "Hideyoshi!" Being called from his mama. He waved goodbye.
I ran back to my house, hoping to reach my mama and sister, Cho, before they left.
Just in time.
"Mama, I'm home!" I called out.
Mama waved. "Mei, we're heading to Akane's city central. Come on. Cho!" She ended with a shout to my sister.
Cho walked in a minute later, holding her stuffed kitten. "I got Mio." She said contently.
Mama sighed, and we left.
When we arrived, I was taken aback by how busy Akane Central was. Many, many people sat on the grassy ground with blankets, waiting for sundown when the sakura would bloom.
"I hear the blossoms look like rainbows when they bloom!" Cho said excitedly. I remembered it was her first festival.
"They do, Butterfly." I said back to her. "They are simply magnificent.
Cho was only six years old. You had to be at least five to see the blossoms from Akane Central. I am eleven, so I haven't missed out.
The sunset began on the horizon. Excited murmurs erupted from the crowd.
"I have to go find Yoshi!" I told mama, who nodded as she began to speak to Cho.
I looked around for the dark head of Yoshi, and after much search, I found him sitting with his papa on the grass.
"Where's Mrs. Ueda?" I asked his papa.
"Hello, Mei. She had to stay home and take care of Daiki, he got a head cold." Daiki was Yoshi's brother.
I sat down by Yoshi. "Mind if I watch with you?" I asked him.
"Okay," Yoshi shrugged. I looked over at him, and his unruly black hair fell across his forehead. I was tempted to sweep it away.
"It's starting!" Yoshi said happily.
I looked up, starstruck.
The previously green trees erupted in a world of color, reds and greens and purples floated through the air as the flowers bloomed at last.
The rainbow sakura flew through the air like lightening bugs. I smiled. "This is amazing!" I squealed.
"Here," Yoshi said. In his hands, he cupped a rainbow sakura blossom, shaded with all the colors of the rainbow. "Caught one."
I picked up from him. "Thank you," I blushed. Boldly, I kissed his cheek. Yoshi said nothing, but smiled as the festival continued.
I held the blossom gingerly.
And for the rest of the Sakura Festival, Yoshi and I sat there, enjoying the view.

Demonic Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें