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Four Years Later

Mama made us ramen for breakfast today, claiming she was late for work. We were home alone again, because we had no school.
Cho had Mio tucked tightly in her arms. The stuffed black cat was old and ratty, being that it had been given to her when she was born.
"Mei-chan," Cho said mouth full of noodles. "I'm going to go see Aiki today at Akane Central." She decided. Aiki Yamamoto was Cho's best friend, quite an annoying little girl.
"'Kay," I said, mid-slurp. "I'm going to hang out with Yoshi and Huruna today anyway." Huruna was Hideyoshi's sister, older by only a year.
After ramen time, Cho and I both left the house. Cho ran off towards Akane Central, and I went towards Yoshi's house.
I knocked on the door. "Hey! It's Mei Yukimura!" I pounded on the door. It finally opened, and Mrs. Ueda waved to me.
"Huruna and Hideyoshi are inside," She said quietly. "Please keep volume down, Daiki is still sick." I nodded.
I entered the house, and saw Huruna immediately, her long black hair tied up in a warrior ponytail. "Mei-chan!" She waved.
"Runa-chan! Yoshi-kun!" I smiled.
Yoshi walked in behind Runa, head down towards the floor. He refused to look up.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Nothing." He said flatly.
Knowing Hideyoshi Ueda my whole life has taught me a lot about him. Including the proof that shows he's lying.
But I shrugged it off like it was nothing, and turned to Huruna. "Where are we going today?"
"I was thinking we could go to Kanji's Restaurant, is that okay?" Runa concluded.
"Sure! Yoshi, what do you think?"
He said nothing.
As the day went on after lunch at Kanji's, Yoshi continued to act this way. I was worried about my friend, and constantly asked him if he was doing all right. He continued to answer in the same empty voice. "Yes."
Runa waved me goodbye as I exited the Ueda household. Walking home, I contemplated Hideyoshi.
Mama greeted me. "Hello, Mei. How was your day?" "Quite okay." I lied, smiling.
"We're having ramen for dinner." Mama said.
Cho sighed. "Mama, we had ramen for breakfast and yesterday's dinner! Is that all you can make for us?"
As the two argued, I went to bed. I had no appetite, and the fact that we had had ramen for the last four meals did not help.
I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I got up off the ground, my body aching. I sweeped my hair from my face, and started to walk down the long, endless hallway.
I don't know this place.
Where am I?
"Watashitachi no sekai ni jaakuna seishin o ama noja ku shōkan shimasu!, Amanojaku raizu!"
I looked around for the chanting voice. It was low, so far down on the octave scale that it made me vibrate inside.
"Bakaneko raizu! No fujō neko shifutā seishin!" The chanter shouted with a mighty voice. Then all was quiet.
I looked behind me, and saw the face of the chanter.
It's unruly black hair and dark eyes made me feel empty inside as I stated at it.
"Yoshi!?" I whispered in disbelief.
From behind Yoshi, silhouettes raised up into the air. One in the shape of a man, and one a cat. Was this why he was chanting?
Yoshi's eyes faded to a blooded, and his skin to a ghostly pale, as he lunged at me.


I woke up, gasping for breath, sweating immensely. Traces of my dream were left in my mind. My heart was beating out of my chest.
What was wrong with Hideyoshi?

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