Lizard Eye Jutsu

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 "Tatsu! Tatsu! Wake up, I know you're not on the Genjutsu. So get up," says Shino shaking Tatsu rapidly.

Tatsu slowly opens her eyes and then sits up in her bed.

"Where am I?" asked Tatsu.

"The recovering room in the Chunin Exam stadium, but we need to get moving," says Shino.

"Why?" asked Tatsu, "What about the Exams?"

"*sigh* The Exams are done," says Shino.


"The Sand and Sound Villages are attacking the Leaf. Kankuro and Temari took Gaara away to recover from his fight with Sasuke. Sasuke went after them and Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru went after him. We should be doing the same."

"Why? If Naruto and Shikamaru are going why do we need to?"

"Because Kankuro owes me a fight," said Shino, "And there's something strange about Gaara."

"What do you mean?" asked Tatsu.

"He was emitting a strange chakra is all, but I know that I can't handle him alone. Even if I had Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamaru on my side. You might be one of the few people who has a shot at beating him."

"Gaara," Tatsu thought reminding herself of the first time she saw him, then what he did to Lee in the Preliminaries, "I...I can't face least not now, but Shino needs me right now."

"Tatsu," said Shino snapping Tatsu out of her train of thought, "We need to leave now."


The two of them make their way out of the room. As soon as they open the door, a kunai knife unintentionally strikes above their heads. Tatsu looks around to find most of the spectators asleep and many Jonin fighting against Sound and Sand village ninja.

"Tatsu," said Shino, "We don't have time to watch, lets go."

"Wait!" says Tatsu, "What about Kiba and Hinata? Where are they?"

"I don't know," said Shino, "Probably asleep from the Genjutsu."

"Then I'm going to find them," said Tatsu as she was about to take off, but Shino grabbed her arm.

"Tatsu, right now Gaara is the priority."

"As far as I can tell our teammates are the priority. Once I find Kiba and Hinata I will come and find you, but until then our teammates come first," said Tatsu pulling herself away from shino and darted across the specters.

"Kiba, Hinata, Where are you?" asked Tatsu in her head dodging kunais as she searched.

Suddenly she whisked by a familiar shape on the ground, Akamaru! Tatsu quickly turns around and sees Akamaru lying next to Kiba, both unconscious. Tatsu kneels down next to Kiba to avoid getting hit by any flying kunais and picks up Akamaru and places him in her lap.

"Akamaru and Kiba are both knocked out, but it doesn't look like Genjutsu," thought Tatsu.

"Kiba. Kiba!" said Tatsu shaking Kiba trying to get him to awake, "Kiba, you fool! Wake up!"

Suddenly Kiba starts to move and slowly opens his eyes, "Tatsu?"

"Kiba, are you alright?"

"I think so. Ugh!" said Kiba clutching his stomach, "That ANBU Black OPs guy knocked me out after healing Hinata."

"An ANBU Black OPs ninja did this to you?"

"Yeah, Akamaru said he was with us during the Preliminary Rounds, then the guy knocked me out. Wait, where's Akamaru?"

Tatsu FuzenWhere stories live. Discover now